Sigle trigger modification observation.

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Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by coues »

Its been awhile since I posted. Hunting season in months away so I figured its a great time to get feedback on a question that that I have concerning single trigger modifications.
This question is not specific to Foxes as I have had 4 shotguns including one Fox that at sometime in its life was modified from double triggers to a single trigger. The most recent shotgun being a Ithaca.
It was modified from double triggers to a single trigger by the factory 6 years from when it was manufactured.
When a gun is made it is built with a requested length of pull, which is measured from the front trigger to the centerline of the end of the butt.
When you have a single trigger installed and without any changes to the Butt stock and you take a measurement this way to the front of the newly installed Single trigger you end up with a measurement that is 1/2 to 3/4” shorter LOP.
I you measure from the center line of the butt forward towards the trigger you find that the original LOP falls were he now non existent trigger would have been. So length of pull measures different despite nothing having been done to the stock.
I am guessing that in most cases when a single trigger modification was done, the stock was not changed, unless it had a butt plate and a pad was added to increase the LOP.
I normally like my LOP to be between 14 and 14 1/4”. The funny thing is when I shoulder these single trigger guns that were originally around 14” they don't feel short to me.i know I slide my hand back a little when I shoot the rear trigger on a double trigger gun. Of course I don't do this when I shoulder a single trigger gun as there is not another trigger to reach back for.
I guess the gun owners either added an extension if needed rather than restocking?
I know Miller triggers are still offering single trigger mods, does anyone know what if anything Miller or others do to address the LOP if anything?
Also if a gun is modified by the factory without doing anything to address the LOP due to the modification, does this effect the value of the gun?
I appreciate the vast knowledge on this forum and look forward to your feedback.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by Jeff S »

Good post. I’m not an expert on “fit” but I’m sure you’ll get some feedback. Personally, I like double triggers, but you like single triggers and have done a lot of research. I hope you get the answers you’re looking for.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by dmay »

I own Miller Single Trigger and have some experience with Kautzky factory single triggers as well. I have seen factory Kautzky trigger blades that approximate the “front” trigger position, “rear” trigger position and a “middle” position which is what it sounds like. Miller triggers have always been the same, generally offered in those three placement positions. This is how I do it today but I also take it a step beyond and can usually place a trigger at a requested LOP measurement, within 1/16” or so, most times right on.

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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by eightbore »

Has it occurred to any of us that trigger position doesn't have anything to do with the useful length of pull? The only measurement that affects useful length of pull is the distance from center of butt to the outside rear of the trigger guard. This is the place where the hand is always placed, regardless of the location of the triggers.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by Stan Hillis »

That is the exactly what I thought when I read the OP this morning early. I started to reply same, but decided to wait and see who else might mention it. I agree with eightbore 100%.

I own a Smith with a H.O.T. in the rear position. It's no different than pulling the rear trigger on my two trigger doubles. No difference at all.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by coues »

Thanks guys for the great feedback. Mr May thank you especially for chiming in. The 4 guns were with modifications to a single trigger 2 were Parker’s one was a Fox, and the most recent one an Ithaca. 3 of these were 32” guns so there may have been a reason why they had the trigger set in the rear position possibly providing additional clearance for the trigger finger.
I have 7 guns from a variety of manufactures that I want to pull out of the safes and look at their positions. I can honestly say I never had given much thought to these single trigger gun an the position of the trigger until most recently. Now that I think about it I actually order an RBL and an A-10 American with a single trigger and don't recall if I had a choice in position.
My hats off the Dan for running a company that has been in business and turning out Professional work for over 100 years. Offering customers a choice in how they want their trigger set up.
I have attached a picture of the Ithaca 10 gauge Magnum with the single trigger installed at the factory.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by coues »

Poor picture ai had to post a couple better ones only to show the actual condition of this gun.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by Chrisss31 »

That is an excellent point Bill.
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Re: Sigle trigger modification observation.

Post by Foxnut »

Phil, first let me say that is a sweet looking Ithaca Magnum!! Very nice!! Secondly the only gun I currently own that has been converted was converted from a Fox Kautsky trigger to a Miller single trigger….go figure. It is a BE 16 gauge that I bought that way. It had been converted by the previous owner. In addition he had new wood put on it and lengthened the LOP to 14”. Dan May did the Miller single trigger work and it functions flawlessly. The Miller trigger is a solid design!
Regards - Foxnut
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