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Fox Collectors
The Fox Collectors forum was founded in 2006 to stimulate interest in the history and production of Fox shotguns. We believe you will enjoy our forum and learn more about the rich history of Fox shotguns.
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Notice, here it says .025 at 9". Most guns that have .025, it is found about the middle of barrel length; 14-15" where pressure is less than at 9". Guns have been used with .018 at mid barrel. If the bores are good on the gun you are considering, I would'nt worry about .025 at mid-barrel.
Here is a nominal pressure chart for various powders, one is black powder. As you can see, even at 9", pressure has dropped considerably and wouldn't be much less at 14".
Max pressure for a 2 3/4" 12 is 11,500; 20 ga. 12,000 which is minor difference. Did you read on the Gibbs site. Their testing perameter is for 12 thru 28 ga. for .025 thickness.
OK, I can't seem to come to terms with the look of the current stock. I guess I agree with whoever said it looked like a canoe paddle, or it wasn't "foxy" enough. The seller will let it go for 1,600-1,700, but then I'd need to restock it. Won't that set me back 2,000 or so?
Did you ever look into the .603 & .608" barrel diameters? That sounds like the chokes, and with only .005" delta between the numbers, it's likely one of them was opened up. Possibly both. If that's the case you'll want to be sure it was reamed on the bore axis so that barrel doesn't "shoot off".
Seems like if the gent reported the wall thicknesses, he would know what the bore diameters are.
Regarding restocking, it depends what you want but a TOP SHELF stocker, ACGG level person who is in the business and has a FFL, is going to charge 3-4k plus the cost of a good blank. Silvers