members only

NO ITEMS MAY BE POSTED FOR SALE ON THIS FORUM or direct references to items for sale. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: A personal item that’s obviously for sale or would appear to be for sale; or if a link is posted to some other site where the item is for sale. Please note that references to items posted elsewhere are ok for discussion as long as a direct link is not included. Any "Wanted to Buy" posts are not allowed and will be removed. The moderators will delete any posts that are deemed offensive, abusive or slanderous in nature. Commercial operations or businesses may not advertise nor appear to advertise their products or services, either directly, or indirectly by a second party, except for simple reference as a source for such products or services
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members only

Post by n.mcinnis »

I have been a member since May. I have discovered there is a members only forum but do not know how to log in or where? Can someone assist? Thanks. Neill McInnis
Neill M McInnis
Ken Hurst
Posts: 80
Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:57 pm

Post by Ken Hurst »

Welcome Neil ---- I live 10 miles north of Greenville, N.C. (Robersonville). If you ever get over this way, stop for a visit.

Ken Hurst
Robersonville, N.C.
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Post by fox-admin »

Neill: I sent you a e-mail and added you to the members only forum. Just a note to everyone else: If you are a dues paying Fox Collectors Association Member you need to provide your forum user name to obtain access to the members only forum on the membership application form. If you are a member without access to the members only forum please send me an e-mail and I will get you set up. Craig
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