AHFCA Booth at The Vintagers
AHFCA Booth at The Vintagers
If you are coming to the Vintagers event this weekend at Hopkins Game Farm in Kennedyville, MD make sure to stop by the booth for Show & Tell. Bring your almost-never-shot, closet queens, FE smallbore barn finds, straight-grip 32-inchers (any gauge), and graded HEs. Also don't forget your minty Sterlys, all gauges, for consideration. We will have some unusual and very nice Foxes on display for the "good of the chapter" as well. Also bring your target blood lust to ravage the Meriden Crew for the Fox-Parker Challenge! The booth will be fully manned, but I may have to duck out occasionally since I got a call late this afternoon that they started picking corn on the home farm south of Rock Hall earlier today, and the resident dove population appears ready to commit crop depradations. Be there! Kevin