Custom stocked AE

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Chuck Heald
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun May 11, 2008 12:28 pm
Location: Torrance CA

Custom stocked AE

Post by Chuck Heald »

I know I posted this in the general forum and over on the doublegunshop bbs, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to post on the new "Custom Fox". Besides, I wanted to get my posts in before you all get spoiled by Doug's guns. :oops:

It's not all that 'custom' except for the new stockwork in the style of a X grade. The rest is a OEM 1923 AE 12g with refinished metal.

Chuck Heald
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:57 pm

Post by johnmcg »

That is beautiful, Chuck.
I like the insert at the front of the forestock.
Is that ebony?
"She sure handles nice, doesn't she" Just like she was made for ya.
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