Fox A Grade Collector Value

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Fox A Grade Collector Value

Post by Tamid »

I have a Fox Grade A made in 1919 with the extensive floral engraving on the sides of the receiver and engraving on the fences, top tang, top lever, floor plate and trigger guard. I believe quite standard for this grade and year of manufacture. I note that early Grade A guns had no engraving and were quite plain. For collector value is the earlier made gun more collectable or the later mfg. gun and which commands a higher price?

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Re: Fox A Grade Collector Value

Post by fox-admin »

Both the early and late guns are collectible, but condition rules for the collector. The early guns in high condition are very collectible but the later guns in similar condition will bring a slight premium. The early guns had less engraving but the fit and finish is generally excellent versus the later production guns. Small bores bring a substantial premium over 12 gauge guns. That being said each gun must be evaluated based on it's own merits, original condition will always trump restored or reworked. Craig
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Re: Fox A Grade Collector Value

Post by Tamid »

Thank you. That is the information I was looking for.
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