Fox SW 16 ga (circa 1935) Chambers & Stock

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Ducks Rx
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:08 pm

Fox SW 16 ga (circa 1935) Chambers & Stock

Post by Ducks Rx »

Greetings, First time poster
Just acquired 16 ga SW made 1935 in very good condition, has normal hunting usage scars but apparently no abuse..wil be my grouse gun for hunting in Blue Ridge Mtns of NC.
Don't have a way to measure chambers so not sure of length. It doesn't have chamber length on barrels like pictures of late model SW. I have shot using 2.5 in reloads with 7/8 oz shot and international clays powder with 7400 psi.
I would like to shoot same load but with a polywad spreader insert but will only fit in a 2 & 3/4 in hull. Would this be harmful if my SW has short chambers?
Also curious as to if anyone has had luck having stock bent to decrease DAC by 1/8 in and DAH by 3/8 in? Also recommendations on stock alters
Thanks in advance. This is a great association and I am excited about finding my life long persute of a 16 ga SW just like my late Uncle's whom taught me to be a bird hunter over 50 years ago.
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