Super Fox display at the NE SXS

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Super Fox display at the NE SXS

Post by FOXIST »

Here are a few pics or the Super Fox display in the tent at Hidden Hollow. Lighting is poor so good pics are tough.
I would like to thank all who contributed to helping with the display and providing guns. Craig Larter(foxadmin), Don Stuff, Bill Jolliff(Jolly Bill), Travis and Jim Kline and Don Kaas. Special thanks to Bill Jolliff and my daughter Paige for helping with the table,also Marshfellow for helping out while we were shooting. Paul
We had 11 Supers at the event including 2-20 bores.
I thought we were going to have to put a support under the table for all the heavy iron that was on top!!!!!
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Post by fox-admin »

Two lucky members holding their 20ga Super Fox guns. Left side Don Stuff, right side Bill Jolliff.

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Post by 123gunner456 »

Thanks for the great display--I even got to hold two of the Supers and it was way cool. Must be alot of dead ducks out there shot just from these guns. If only they could talk ( the guns not the ducks, they're dead ).

Thanks again

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Post by birdawg »

A fine collection of nice guns. Thanks for the photos.
"I have more than I need, but not as many as I want"
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Post by Silvers »

Paul, on your count of 11 Supers at the Event - did you include Russ Bickel's ex-Bartholomew 32" straight grip on the regular frame, and my 30" HE ordered with C-grade wood? Both of those were primarily out at the B-W shooting station and mine at least never made it to the display. There was also a 32" 0-frame straight grip that we used to set up the targets earlier in the week. Not my restocked 32 inch HE but another one on loan to me for the station setup. It was in my car most of the time over the weekend and I don't remember that you saw it. It shot her too a few times on Saturday. Frank
Last edited by Silvers on Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FOXIST »

Frank I did count the Russ Bickel HE and your HE with C grade wood but I did not get a chance to see the restock straight grip or the other "loaner". That would bring the total to 13 super foxes at HH.
I did manage to get a couple of pictures of Russ shooting the Bo Whoop with the EX-Henry Bartholomews Straight grip #1 frame Super. Henry Bartholomew was one of Nash Buckingham's old friends.
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Post by waterman »

Nice looking bunch of Super Foxes I hope to have my 32" super there next year it has a straight grip on it. By the way does anyone know where Nash Buckingham Mr. Barlow and Mr. Miller was laid to rest.
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Post by DGKaas »

Nash Buckingham is buried in the family plot in Memphis. I don't know who you mean by Barlow and Miller.
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Post by waterman »

Hoa'ce Miller
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Post by DGKaas »

Ho'ace Miller's burial site is unknown. My friend,Mike Boyd from Tunica has been searching for it off and on for years. We "suspicions" that he is buried somewhere in NE Arkansas where he came from and where he moved after Nash Buckingham left the BDDC. Finding the burial site of poor African Americans in the Deep South during the Depression is a daunting task. Even another Tunica County denizen, the brilliant Robert Johnson has 3 supposed graves. I wish we could find even one fo' po' Ho'ace. If by "Barlow" you mean Henry Bartholomew, the "Marse Henry" of Nash's great story "The Family Honor" and President of the Continental Insurance Co., I do not know where he is buried either but an Episcopal churchyard somewhere near Oxen Hill, Md. would be a good bet.
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Re: Super Fox display at the NE SXS

Post by richmier »

Nice guns.
A weapon like knifes, guns or brass knuckle etc. isn't good or bad, depends on the person who uses it.
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