Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by Weatherby »

Just as a follow up
I have this German 16 gauge Ulrich and an old Cresent peerless 20 gauge.
Took a very ratty looking box of 16 Rangers, the shells looked great though, and the worst sur shot 20 gauge box.

Everything worked great.
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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by Researcher »

I'd expect those RANGER shells to be fine as they are post 1953. For 1953 Olin changed their load numbers. Prior to 1953 that load would have been G616.

I found a bunch of pre-war Western 16-gauge shells in my late father-in-law's shop up in Kodiak and brought them down here to Washington. I took some out to the Spokane Gun Club one day. Stepped up on station 1, called for the high bird, pulled the trigger a bit before the center stake and the shell actually fired and broke the bird about at the low house. Good follow through. The rest of the shells are in my shell collection.

As for the SHUR-SHOT 20-gauge shells, S20 is the post-war load number for the 2 1/4-dram equiv,. 7/8-ounce load. But Remington only cataloged it as a 2 3/4-inch shell and by 1947 with the "New Remington Crimp."
Shur Shot 20-gauge #6 02.jpg
I suspect that S after 20 is for "short" and those were a special run. Could they be from Remington's Mexican plant?
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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by Jeff S »

That 16 ga. is a nice looking gun. Those Germans knew how to incorporate all of the cool features. I hope you have a lot of fun with it.
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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by Fowlgunner »


You may have no interest at all in moving those shells, but Ward's travels across the country picking up items to and from major gun shows.

Beware they will expect around 20%, I believe, on items in this price range as a seller's commission or fee.

I have no affiliation with them but have used them in the past and this is the market to move those type items as Dave suggests.

Good Luck,

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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by Weatherby »

Hi Will
I've picked out some that I thought may be worth trying.
I did use wards once with a bunch of accumulated 22's mainly and was happy with the results.
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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by Weatherby »

The ship out pile keeps growing.
Have some other "stuff" that may as well go also.
I've been a good caretaker long enough and someone
Could definitely display it better than my closet.
The excelsior, redhead, and ranger I'll probably miss the most.
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Re: Ok to ask about older shotgun shells ?

Post by 44whiskey »

DarylC wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:17 pm I don't know how you do it Dave but you are amazing. Thanks for all your contributions.
yes, what Daryl said, good thread :wink:
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