I'd like to thank Jeff Stegmeier who was critical in the set-up and running of the BoWhoop events. Couldn't have done it without the help of Mr. Larter, Jolly Bill Jolliff, Don McQuade, Steve Wilson and Brett Farley. My apologies if I omitted anyone. Thanks guys! Everything went well with no trap breakdowns and nice weather. Craig's Super Fox display was outstanding and always had admirers at the display. Let's have some suggestions for a display at next year's BoWhoop event.
And the winners are:
WCLetterman- Jim Martin with a 7 shooting an Ithaca with Kevin McCormack and Mike Smith tied for second place with a 5 each. Kevin shot the Letterman gun.
BoWhoop trophy shoot- Two shooters, both Fox members tied for first with a 5. First time participant and Fox member Ron Kiska shooting an LC Smith, and trophy winner Fox member, Fred Verry, shooting a Fox.
BabyWhoop- Mike Koneski ran away with this event with a score of 8. Way to go big guy.
MegWhoop 8ga- Stan Hoover bested all with this one shooting his Parker with a score of 4. Your trophy is in the mail buddy. God bless you cannon shooters.

With all that said I would like to once again thank all the volunteers who made this a success and all the shooters who took the time to participate. It was great seeing everybody again and looking forward to next year.
If I have omitted something/someone please correct me.
Thanks again guys,