SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Researcher »

Checking Guns International, I found 5 of the Sterlingworth SKUGGS, but only one SPE SKUGG (#102053997 listed in the Sterlingworth section). This SPE Skeet & Upland has nice engraving on the frame, but no engraving on the barrels. Next, I checked the forearm. To me, it looks like the usual "thick" Utica style forearm. I would be hard pressed to call it a "semi beavertail". Lastly, I looked at the stock. There is no checkered butt, and the front of the comb doesn't have that sexy fluted look that I like so much. So, Tom (and the rest of you) is the SPE SKUGG pictured on GI "not correct" or are there other variations that I haven't gleamed from McIntosh's writing? I'm not necessarily considering this exact gun, I'm just doing due diligence in case one becomes available sometime. I'm a very, very firm believer in "buyer beware". Jeff
That is one very strange looking gun. The frame looks like it was for a typical SP-/SPE-Grade Skeet & Upland Game Gun. The stock looks like a typical regular SP-Grade stock --
303548 03.jpg
The forearm looks like the style used on the Fox-Sterlingworth WIldfowl --
134122 Fox-Sterlingworth Wildfowl forearm.JPG
Not at all the typical SP-Grade forearm --
303548 02.jpg
Probably something put together to get product out the door in the last years of Ansley H. Fox production. We see a lot of very strange guns that came out of Savage's J. Stevens Arms Co. from the late 1930s to WW-II. J. Stevens took in the remains of the Crescent - Davis Arms Corp. and they didn't waste any parts. From those years we see guns made up from various Crescent, J. Stevens, Springfield and Davis style pieces. They made a lot of differing parts work. Waste not, want not!!
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Jeff S »

Wow! thanks for all of the information teammates. I just printed Tom's article from the Fall 2009 newsletter. Looks like a good one. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have, the DGJ Vol 13, issue #2. I'll have to track it down. Dave, thanks for all of the advertisements. I genuinely appreciate everyone's comments. Sincerely, Jeff
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Double O »

Ok guys, I’m a dumb ass and figured if I don’t know, a lot of others don’t also but are afraid to ask.
What does SPE SKUGGS stand for?
Thanks for all your knowledge.
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Rbishop »

SKUGG=skeet & upland game gun
SPE=Special (i think, not sure)
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair


Hello again... been wanting to get to this for days. Thanks Dave for all your great ad copy as usual. Years back when I was searching for an SPE ventilated rib gun I too believed that an SPR was just that, an SPE with a ventilated rib. I expected to find a SPE style blued frame gun with a vent rib. I never have seen or heard of one yet. Then, as Dave pointed out, the SPR mention in the '36 sheet describes a different configuration. I was fortunate to spot a 16ga SPR in Vegas a few years ago.
The gun is marked SPR on the watertable. Lovely gun. Near new. Case hardened frame with typical frame configuration with higher standing breech to accommodate the VR & "trap" style engraving.
Since then I have seen 2 more SPR guns that I recall.... both 20 ga guns. One was a well used gun walking around the Baltimore show and the other was a "2 barrel set" that seems to have been thru Mitzie Bielen's hands at some point.... either at the factory or subsequently treated to some of his embellishments. I dont recall ever seeing a 12ga SPR yet.
Interestingly, there are couple/few guns in the AH Fox record cards with multiple cards for the same serial numbers... some marked SPR and/or Trap for the same number. As has been mentioned before it seems that Fox/Savage was just trying to do "whatever" in the mid/late 30's regarding production.
In any event a true SPR is a rare bird and truly a lovely quality Fox.

oh, ps, I did have a factory lettered correct SPE S&U 16ga optioned up and with original 24" barrels. Likely one of one.
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Silvers »

Pan Tomasz, here you go. Dated July 1931 which was of course well before the intro of the Sterlingworth Skeet & Upland and SP/SPE guns. The gents all appear to be holding Browning type long recoil semis, probably the Savage 720 that was intro'd in 1930. Note the "Savage Skeet Field" sign on the trap house. I recall seeing at least one other magazine article on the Savage Utica shooting team; still looking. franush :wink:

Savage team 1, July 1931.jpg
Savage team 2.jpg
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Researcher »


Those of us with a connection to the "Island Terrific in the North Pacific" like the little news item to the bottom right!! I wouldn't say Kodiak is off the "northern coast of Alaska" though.
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair


Double sweet!!!! Dziekuje Frank.
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Silvers »

Proszę bardzo, Tom :)
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair


.......interesting that the team in '31 was shooting autos on the skeet field. We know the sxs was "doomed" by then.
The search continues for the Trap Team. Heck, William Gough was here engraving.... he was an ardent Trap shooter ( I have his personal 20ga ) ... there was Trap going on, just gotta find it. I may run a "info wanted" ad in a local magazine.
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Researcher »

In 1931 the team should have all been outfitted with the Fox Skeeter --
Fox Skeeter Shooter right.jpg
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by TOOL MAN »

What a natty looking bunch!! I say sweaters, ties and knickers at Hausmann's this year!!!
On the whole....I'd rather be in Philadelphia....
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by DarylC »

TOOL MAN wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:43 pm What a natty looking bunch!! I say sweaters, ties and knickers at Hausmann's this year!!!
You first!
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Re: SPE Skeet & Uplands... 20ga Consecutive pair

Post by Researcher »

Dressing well for shooting events is the bailiwick of our man Sporrns.

By the later 1930s those casual Californians were ditching the neckties --
California Team 1936.jpeg
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