Skeet and Upland

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Re: Skeet and Upland

Post by Silvers »

Further to my post here's a partial pic of my 32 incher with s/n 1220xx that letters with "Straight" stock. 1-7/16 x 2-1/4 x 14-1/8 over its HRBP. Nice! Note the Philly style safety and break lever. No ship date indicated on the Savage letter nor either side of the Record Card but its back side has a number with 5 digits + 1 alpha letter, that ends with "36" . I assume that means 1936 but could be wrong. frank

32 SU 1220xx.jpg
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Re: Skeet and Upland

Post by Woodcocker »

I looked at at the Jaquas gun thinking to buy it, and it had a slight looseness to action without fore end and also the barrels were pitted in a number of spots internally. So high price for a not so minty gun at least inside.
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