Two Barrel Set

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Two Barrel Set

Post by Shelldrake »


Does anyone know if A.H. Fox made any two gauge (16 and 20) guns. I am going to look at an A grade with a pair of 20 and 16 ga barrel sets. Of course, I will check to see if the serial numbers correspond.

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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Researcher »

I have seen several such sets, but I've not seen a production card which documents one built that way from the start.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Shelldrake »

Thanks Researcher. I'm wondering if someone had a non-matching pair of 16 or 20 Ga barrels fitted to the gun. I guess the serial numbers will answer that question.
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Re: Two Barrel Set


I too have seen a number of those "sets". I have seen ones with matching serial numbers.... which did not come that way from the factory.... Or I shall say that they did not come from "the factory" that way as an original order.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Shelldrake »

TJW; So, matching serial number 2-gauge sets could have been original factory orders, or the second set was ordered later and given a matching number?
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by vaturkey »

Shelldrake wrote:TJW; So, matching serial number 2-gauge sets could have been original factory orders, or the second set was ordered later and given a matching number?
I think what Researcher and TJW have said is they have never seen an original factory order with two different barrels of different gauges. There have been quite a few two barrel different gauges built over the years aftermarket. Some are reengraved to match the serial number of the original gun ordered and some are not. That's what I've seen over the years more then once. Saw one last year at the NE sxs with two different gauge barrels with the same serial number which had been made up after the fact.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Researcher »

Or any of many gunsmiths could have fitted a stray set of barrels and serial numbered them to match. Could be anywhere from blatantly obvious to impossible to detect, depending on the skill of the craftsman.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Shelldrake »

Thank you for the information.
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Re: Two Barrel Set


Yes..... and what vaturkey & Researcher said.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by MC1952 »

I’m certainly no expert but I’m guessing most second barrels were ordered after the original purchase. I own a 20 ga two barrel set. The original barrels are 4 wt from Philly. The second set with a matching forend and serial numbered to the original are from Savage.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Stan Hillis »

That is a very nice Fox. How long are the two sets, 26 and 28 inches, or 28 and 30 inches?
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Silvers »

It's possible to swap/fit a 16 gauge barrel to a Fox frame made for 20 gauge, by striking off the barrel breeches to match the breech balls. On the other hand trying to swap a 20 gauge barrel onto a 16 gauge frame can be fraught with problems. Yeah I know all the hype about the Fox 20 and 16 gauge frames being the same. :lol:


20 gauge barrel on a 16 frame, anyone want to file down the breech balls to match up?
20-16 mismatch.jpg
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Shelldrake »

Silvers wrote:It's possible to swap/fit a 16 gauge barrel to a Fox frame made for 20 gauge, by striking off the barrel breeches to match the breech balls. On the other hand trying to swap a 20 gauge barrel onto a 16 gauge frame can be fraught with problems. Yeah I know all the hype about the Fox 20 and 16 gauge frames being the same. :lol:


20 gauge barrel on a 16 frame, anyone want to file down the breech balls to match up?
20-16 mismatch.jpg

Interesting......I was wondering about that. So the question would be "did the gun start life as a 16 or a 20 ga?" I suppose a serial number search would answer that question?

Would such a gun be considered altered in a way that it would reduce it's value from it's original configuration?
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by vaturkey »

Shelldrake wrote:
Silvers wrote:It's possible to swap/fit a 16 gauge barrel to a Fox frame made for 20 gauge, by striking off the barrel breeches to match the breech balls. On the other hand trying to swap a 20 gauge barrel onto a 16 gauge frame can be fraught with problems. Yeah I know all the hype about the Fox 20 and 16 gauge frames being the same. :lol:


20 gauge barrel on a 16 frame, anyone want to file down the breech balls to match up?
20-16 mismatch.jpg

Interesting......I was wondering about that. So the question would be "did the gun start life as a 16 or a 20 ga?" I suppose a serial number search would answer that question?

Would such a gun be considered altered in a way that it would reduce it's value from it's original configuration?
I think the only way to know for sure if its factory two different gauge set for a graded gun or a Sterly is to pay for a letter from Cody Museum using the serial number both sets are marked as. The Collectors association does not have the Sterlingworth cards. PS. If its a graded gun and your a member of the association (hence paid your dues) you can get a free look up of the card sent to you and see what it says.
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Re: Two Barrel Set

Post by Fin2Feather »

I have an early A grade 12ga two barrel set. It was built with the 28" barrels and at some point the 30" barrels with their own forearm were apparently added. All the serial numbers match and the barrels are stamped 1 and 2 but the stamping appears slightly different. Appears to be Fox work but done at different times. No mention on the card of the second set.



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