Sterlingworth Barrel ding

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Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by Lowcountry »

Hey y'all - I've recently come into ownership of a AH Fox Sterlingworth. It looks to be circa 1915/1916 and appears to me (but I don't really know how to grade condition) to be in very good condition.
The only serious flaw i see is a ding in one barrel. I've talked to 3 different gunsmiths, but haven't gotten a consensus on whether it is safe to shoot. One said I can shoot it, but make sure the wad doesn't get hung up in the barrel. He gave me the name of another gunsmith who he said could remove the ding. I had it priced to remove the ding at $50. A second gunsmith (based on pictures) was concerned that the metal may have been weakened. It doesn't appear to me that the ding goes through to the inside of the barrel, but that is only based on looking down the barrel. I know y'all can't really diagnose the severity of the ding based on pictures, but I guess I'm going to ask anyway, LOL. What do y'all think? Any advice, recommendations, etc., etc.?
I'll wait to ask about shooting 2 3/4" shells through it later. LOL

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Re: Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by Jeff S »

Hmmm! Has that frame been blued?
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Re: Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by Lowcountry »

Jeff - I think it may just be the lighting in the pics, but it is certainly possible. I’ll have to take a closer look and some better pictures. I know absolutely nothing about the history of this gun other than the previous owner inherited it from his uncle in Nevada. I know the previous owner did nothing with or to the gun.

I have never shot, much less owned a double barrel gun. This gun is as light, and smooth, and slick, as any shotgun I’ve ever held, and I’m really looking forward to shooting it!
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Re: Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by Stan Hillis »

If that dent in the barrel looks, in person, like it does in the pic it is a non-issue. I'd probably have it raised for aesthetics sake but, if there isn't a crack in the deepest part of it, you could shoot it the rest of your life without the dent being an issue. As for checking for a wad getting stuck in the barrel because of the dent ............. :lol: ............ ain't going to happen. Checking the bores for obstructions is always a great habit to get into, but that dent won't cause it to happen.

The action has been blued. Not original. Overall a nice looking gun that would probably be a good "shooter".
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Re: Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by spyder »

I learned the hard way about checking the bores for obstruction. I now have a beautiful CE grade wall hanger/parts gun. But I have all my fingers and both eyes, so I can’t complain too much.
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Re: Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by terc »

Check the barrel wall thickness. If that dent doesn't show up on the inside, it has been honed. You need to know how much has been honed.
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Re: Sterlingworth Barrel ding

Post by vaturkey »

I'd be sending those barrels to a good smith to have them measure the barrel wall thickness in that area. IMO that should show on the inside of the barrels in the right light.
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