Hausmann’s Update

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Jeff S
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Hausmann’s Update

Post by Jeff S »

Today was day 1 of the NE SxS classic at Hausmann’s Hidden Hollow. The weather was a little wet, but the course, vendor tent, and fellowship was outstanding. This is truly an outstanding event. Why should a Fox enthusiast attend this event? First, you can shoot with your buddies, like Mike and Daryl.

Look at an amazing array of double guns.
Or more importantly, you get to visit with really good people like Brett, Stan, Daniel, Phillip, Shane, Caleb, and Don.
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Jeff S »

Tomorrow, I have break more clays with my new and improved “J”. It’s a dandy!
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Stan Hillis »

Thanks for the pics, Jeff. I'm envious. One of these days I need to turn this farming business over to my son and hit the road with my doubles. When that happens Hausmann's will be a must-do.

Looks like it might have been a little chilly there. Some guys were wearing long sleeves and a vest.
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by 44whiskey »

thanks so much for pics. hope weather improves.good shootin, 44whiskey ps, ok jeff 2 steaks,bake potato, beer and not a green veg in sight.enjoy your get a way :lol:
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Researcher »

Thanks for the pics.
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Jeff S »

Today was a beautiful day in Friendsville, Pa. Lot’s of shooting at the Letterman, Bo Whoop, and Baby Whoop events. As always, as the sun came out, so did some truly amazing guns. Wow!
Here is a picture of Kevin with his prized SBT. Ask him about it sometime.
Getting ready for the Letterman with our SBTs.
Brett (Foxnut) and Stan shooting Baby Whoop. Sorry I didn’t get a picture of Craig and Stan shooting their 8 bores.
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Double O »

Wish I was there. Had a great time two years ago! You guys /gals are are so entertaining!
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by 44whiskey »

again thank you jeff for the pics, am glad the sun came out,good shootin,all the best 44whiskey
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by ROMAC »

I wish I was able to make it.

I am suffering the dreaded 3 W's, Work, Weather and Wedding, all conspired to cancel my plans!
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Foxnut »

Thanks for posting the pics. I was fortunate enough to attend Thursday and Friday. While the weather Thursday was a little wet we were able to shoot and no one melted! Great to meet so many Fox enthusiast in person and see some great guns! Shooting was a blast and had a great time. Will be there next year!!
Regards - Foxnut
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by jolly bill »

It was a great 3 days for me.

And as Foxnut said, "Great to meet so many Fox enthusiast in person and see some great guns!"

And the Parker, Lefever, L.C. Smith and all the other double barrel enthusiasts too.

Wondering if the 8 gauge Mad Jack event will be an annual thing. Sure was neat.

Two years was too long to wait since the last one.

I'm sure we'll get some updates on who won what, etc.

All the Best you guys and gals.

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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Stan Hoover »

Thanks for posting the pictures Jeff,
We had a great weekend, met old friends and made some new ones.

We enjoyed having dinner Thursday evening with Jeff, Brett, and Don, spending time with like minded double gun enthusiasts was of course the best part of the few days we were together.

Now it's time to fill all those empty hulls and get ready for Rock Mountain :D

Stan Hoover
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Jeff S »

It was another beautiful day at Hausmann’s. There are always nice guns at the event, but this year had to be numero uno for really cool, unique guns. I would like to add a very sincere “tip of the hat” to the 5 guys that represented Fox in the shoot off. Thanks!
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by vaturkey »

Good Shoot with some bad weather for two days. Pics to follow.
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Re: Hausmann’s Update

Post by Silvers »

I had a great time with many Fox friends and while doing some gun trading. Counted about 20 Fox members and no doubt there were a few more there I didn't know or get to meet. The weather was much better than predicted and overall pretty decent except for afternoon on Thursday with a heavy rain shower and of course that caused shooters to come off the courses and to the vendor tents. I was close to making a deal on a 20b Parker 28" upland configuration and when that happened I watched another gent pay the tag price. So goes gun deals. Though I did get a 32" Parker SC SBT straight gripper from a good long time friend who's trimming his collection. I helped some friends with gun deals, moved some guns myself and came away with a good net reduction on my collection. Looked at some neat guns including Harvey Donaldson's Super-Fox, an L Grade SBT, 12 gauge XE 26" original gun with 4-weights that weighed 6-9 per the card, also an early DE with cut barrels but otherwise honest that had possibilities for rebarreling if I wanted to take on another project, but I don't have an early Krupp barrel right now. Very tempted but I passed on that one. Also had another opportunity to test fire Jolly's wonderful 20 bore HE. I didn't shoot the courses nor try to qualify for the Fox-Lefever Challenge and only did limited shooting just on the WCL and a few practice rounds with new to me guns on Daryl's inaugural Baby Whoop which I like very much. The B-W and WCL targets were set pretty stiff this year and I offer up mucho congrats to my friend Mike Smith (our Newsletter Editor) who took the Cup on both events....... [deleted] ....... The two year hiatus on the NE Side by Side was a surely a long time but this year's event certainly was a blast! Those of you within reasonable driving distance missed a good time, camaraderie and some good guns on the tables.

Last edited by Silvers on Sat Dec 04, 2021 6:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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