Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebated

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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Tom and Bill, thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
Last edited by Fox20obsessed on Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
jolly bill
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by jolly bill »

Hi Matt,

I'm sorry you are not looking more kindly at this bunch that make up the Fox forum.

You have had many complimentary Replies to your very well done submissions on your work over the past year or so. I think most all of us appreciate what you've done but as you point out, you may not hear from most.

Frank has experienced this also and I will point out, his submissions have been terrific as well. Nice to have that talent and expertise among us.

Hopefully, you will reconsider but you have to make the decision that's right for you.

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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Bill, my past posts have received a fair amount of commentary that is true. My recent submissions of the custom I put together and had finished by Dan R. were for the most part overlooked and that was a 4-year project...the lack of commentary on that particular build left a very bad taste in my mouth almost as if it was poorly executed. As Frank has pointed out it takes a good bit of time to do the write-ups and attach the pics. I just figure my time is better spent working on my guns and shooting as opposed to wasting it by posting pics and such if it is just looked at by non-paying members and glossed over. As far as the paying members...the forum and perhaps the AHFCA in general seems (atleast to me) very clique-ish and I suppose I am just not part of the clique which is fine, my work speaks for itself and I wasn’t asking for approval from anyone but a post here and there is always nice to read. Heck, everybody likes to hear feedback whether it be positive or negative in nature. It’s disappointing to take the time to make a post and then weeks later feel as though it was not appreciated or much less even looked at. I have tried to be patient and also understanding. I also realize that I just joined here last year but have been a lurker for almost 5 years. I’m fine with not being accepted or part of the clique which is why I have made the decision to just bow out. A lot of the techniques I use and have tried to display on here were taught to me by career gunsmiths with over 40 yrs experience and I just can’t see the point in passing along trade secrets and any valuable info when no feedback is given. No hard feelings to you or anyone else, just tired of feeling disappointed over it. Fox guns are my biggest hobby aside from hunting and digging ginseng...I kinda just assumed that others would comment more and I assumed wrong...anyway buddy you have my email, feel free to email me anytime you like and I’d be more than happy to send some pics of ongoing and/or finished projects. I’ll still be here, often in fact...but just to lurk like most others. Anyone else reading this feel free to PM me and I’ll try to get back to you when I have the time.
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Jeff S »

This looks like an absolutely beautiful gun. I love C grades, I love round pistol grips, and I love 26" barrels. Happy hunting, and I sincerely hope that you hit a few grouse with it. I enjoy your detailed posts, but quite frankly much of it beyond my grasp. However, I may expand my horizons. Last month I purchased a few "gun" screwdrivers. Who knows, maybe I'll take something apart.
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by hihaven »

Wow ! What a beautiful gun I finally got a good look at the pictures! Sweet!!!!
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Thanks guys :)
Jim McKee
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Jim McKee »

Very, very nice! Thanks for taking the time to write, post and share with us!
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Foxnut »

Matt, looks like a fantastic project. Now that you’ve had some time to shoot it we’re you happy with all your decisions/choices? Any recommendations on what to do/not to do if one was considering something similar? Brett
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Thanks for the compliments on the project. As far as this gun goes, yes I’m pretty happy with it so far, love that small beavertail forend and the grip profile. If I were to change anything on this gun I would probably have given it a slightly different pitch at the buttplate and also a tad more drop at heel (it’s at 2 1/4”). The DAH that I used for this build was provided through a fitting session and while I think it is pretty close, my POI is still a little bit higher than I would like...but, I don’t think I’m going to make any alterations to the buttstock at this time because I have shot it fairly well so far and it kills birds dead. I think that we as customizers and upgraders of guns must walk a very fine line of when to say enough is enough. We all know that getting ahead of ourselves in the midst of a project can make a mess in a hurry and I think that the initial planning stages are of the utmost importance. I had full intentions of doing up another 28” 20 bore sterly as an x-grade, but my engraver recently received a massive “promotion” and as can be expected his price list did as well...I think I’ll just stick with what I have in the stable now. I kinda had to quit looking at fox shotguns and start a new obsession (custom turkey pot calls and suction yelpers). If it ain’t one rabbit hole you’re down it’s onto the next one.
jolly bill
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by jolly bill »

Hey Matt,

I think most of us like your style. It's a good style by the way.

And what's this about rabbit holes? How many are there?

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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Thanks for the kind words my friend it is much appreciated! As far as my style goes...you fellas must be rubbing off on me :D I’m still in the process of tallying up the rabbit holes too, when I get a total I’ll get back to you provided I do not get lost along the way!
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by Fox20obsessed »

Fellas I know this is unrelated but check out these beautiful custom game calls I recently had made. I found a gentleman who does fantastic work, makes excellent calls, and all for a great price. If anyone would like more info on this call maker please pm me...he is an awesome guy to deal with and built my calls the same day that we spoke.
Thanks for looking.
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Re: Utica Sterlingworth 20 —> C-grade custom profiled/rebate

Post by eightbore »

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