New improved Savage Letters?

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Rogue Hunter
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New improved Savage Letters?

Post by Rogue Hunter »

Believe it was mentioned that Savage is providing much better letters on Fox guns now. Wondering if they now include info such as if a gun was returned to Savage for repairs and they lengthened the chambers from 2 9/19 to 2 3/4, or info that may have been written on back side of order card?
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Re: New improved Savage Letters?

Post by Researcher »

Since the days Roe Clark was doing letters for $7 they've told us the repair records were long ago destroyed. I think it is pretty amazing that these production cards made the move from Philadelphia to Utica in 1929, then from Utica to Chicopee Falls in 1947, and finally to Westfield in 1961. In a lot of corporations they'd have hit the dumpster!
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