"The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

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"The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Researcher »

This morning, my friend Gary, one of the "Sunday morning joy boys" I drink coffee with, tell lies with and sometimes even shoot some skeet with, at the Spokane Gun Club brought me his December 2018 issue of Gun Digest with the article "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun" beginning on page 32. While the general gist of the article is fine, virtually every fact stated is wrong.

Ansley's age when he got his first Patent, 19 not the 24 stated.

The Fox Gun Co. was not sold to Baltimore Gun Co. Four of the five directors of the Fox Gun Co. a Maryland Corporation, formed a new corporation, the Baltimore Arms Co., under the laws of West Virginia, and transferred the assets of the Fox Gun Co. to Baltimore Arms Co.

Ansley didn't form the Philadelphia Arms Co. in 1905. PAC was incorporated November 5, 1902. Ground was broken for the factory in August 1903 and they were producing guns by late 1904. Ansley resigned from PAC in December 1904.

Ansley incorporated the A.H. Fox Gun Co. on April 6, 1905. The author states ejectors were added in 1907. While their first catalog doesn't mention ejectors, the second issued before they moved from Wayne & Bristol Streets to the old PAC factory in late 1906 does offer ejectors.

The gun pictured as Theodore Roosevelt's FE-Grade is actually a CSMC Exhibition Grade.

On and on. Arrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggg!!
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Foxnut »

Wow, how does a writer/author in an article/periodical like Gun Digest get all of that wrong?!!!
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by SmithShady »

Because he's not a member of the AHFCA! :lol: Sounds like he could have done a lot better research just reading our forums.

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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Stan Hillis »

Who is the author of the article?

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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Silvers »

I haven't seen the cited article but from Dave's post I'll bet most Fox enthusiasts would recognize the error in use of the CSMC Fox pic but with the TR's Fox caption. But beyond that and ime many Foxers don't notice or put as much emphasis on the accuracy of historical minutiae, and casual readers are basically clueless on itty-bitty details.

I thought Theodore Roosevelt's Fox is a F-Grade (sans ejectors) not a FE as in the first post? Reference: Headrick's article in the DGJ, Volume 14, Issue 2.

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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Researcher »

We all know Pres. Roosevelt's Ansley H. Fox double was an F-grade, but the magazine's caption was FE-Grade. The author is listed as Jerry Lee, editor of The Standard Catalog of Firearms, the Gun Digest Annual and author of The Standard Catalog of Ruger Firearms.
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Silvers »

I don't think so. 136 readers had viewed this thread before someone asked about the FE reference in the first post. This underscores a point made in my earlier reply. :)
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Researcher »

FWIW I sent their Letters to the Editor column an email.
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by loggy »

David, keep them on their toes! John
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"


Thanx for the synopsis Dave!
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Re: "The A.H. Fox Double Shotgun"

Post by Sporrns »

God, I'm glad our dearly departed friend "Special Ed" Muderlak isn't alive to see this!! He would be having conniption fits!!! Kevin
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