!6 ga straight grip 28"

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!6 ga straight grip 28"

Post by birdawg »

Last edited by birdawg on Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I have more than I need, but not as many as I want"
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My GSP Izzy
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Post by My GSP Izzy »

Gorgeous. That is essentially my dream gun. I hope you enjoy many days afield with it. Out of curiosity what does it weigh? I also noticed the slip on pad - what is the LOP?
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Post by birdawg »

Thanks, the weight is right a 6 lbs. She handles as sweet as she looks. The lop without the leather cover is 14 1/8. I wanted to add the extra 1/2 for early season and to give some protection to the little hunter.
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Post by Researcher »

Great piece!! A no-safety smallbore screams "plantation quail gun" to me. Carried empty in your scabbard while horseback and only loaded when you dismount and walk in for the flush over those quivering English Pointers!!

That numeral 3 under the serial number on the barrel flats looks like the marking for a third set of barrels. Is there a 3 on the forearm iron? On the back of the ejectors? Do you have a letter on the gun? Curious nut cases want to know!!

You've shown us some great pieces Jess. How about writing them up for the Newsletter? People aren't going to want to read my drivel forever!!

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