Who's coming?

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Who's coming?

Post by SmithShady »

As we approach the dates for the Northern SxS Challenge and Expo, and the Vintage Gunners Cup the following week, I'm just wondering who's planning to attend the events this year? I'm not seeing a lot of chatter about either on our site, or the Parker board. I know Daryl and I will be there, and I'm sure I can count on some of the local PA guys I know to be at Mike's shoot, but what say the rest of you? Who am I competing against in the Fox Big and Smallbore events, and who's shooting with me in the Fox/Parker Challenge at the VC?

"Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks." - Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Who's coming?

Post by ROMAC »

I'll be there Friday only, but most likely not competing.

I have to meet with Dan Rossiter about my project Fox and then possibly sell a 16 Parker to someone who can tell about it if they want.

What with work and the rest of my weekend being booked up, it is all I can do to make just the one day.
"Somehow, the sound of a shotgun tends to cheer one up" -- Robert Ruark
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Re: Who's coming?

Post by Silvers »

Mike, thanks for starting the thread. I'll be at the Northern S x S at Rock Mountain for the 4 days to burn powder and with (two) Sterly small bores I'm considering selling there. One 20 and the other a 16. This isn't the Members For Sale forum and thus that's all I'll post. NO pics, no shipping, those who will be at the Northern can look at them there.

I MAY make it to the Vintage Gunners Cup for one day (a long day trip) to do some gun dickering but won't know until right before the event.
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Re: Who's coming?

Post by arcmaster »


I am working on making it to the event. I will let you know. If I do, I can bring your favorite small bore for you to shoot.

James Wark
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Re: Who's coming?

Post by James Wark »

Hello everyone.
I will be at the northern sxs at Rock Mountain, my first time as a vendor at this show. I can not be there on Thursday. Will have a few misc items for sale or trade, ( Guns, parts and other neat stuff) and a display of my engraving. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Thank You
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Re: Who's coming?

Post by SmithShady »

Mike, hope you can make it, I'll bring the Weller. :wink:
"Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks." - Thomas Jefferson
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