Not a Fox but still pretty cool

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Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by Silvers »

For those looking to do a smallish beavertail on a custom Fox, here’s an unusual one on a rare Ithaca/Lefever A Grade Model 6 Skeet gun. This one is a 20-bore and has factory Mod & Full chokes (2 & 4) rather than typical Skeet & Skeet. It's an unusual beavertail even for a Model 6 and the contour feels good with palm on the fuller part and fingers wrapped around. Gun came out of Ithaca NY from the family of a long ago factory employee. The gun was probably made up for hunting instead of skeet ..... ?

Cell pic taken today at Mountain Mike's Rock Mountain
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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by Stan Hillis »

Very unusual profile to the b.tail. I've seen some strange shaped beavertails on doubles, but never one like this. I can understand how it may be ergonomic, but I don't care for the looks.

Nice condition gun. Thanks for posting, Frank.

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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by vaturkey »

Stan Hillis wrote:Very unusual profile to the b.tail. I've seen some strange shaped beavertails on doubles, but never one like this. I can understand how it may be ergonomic, but I don't care for the looks.

Nice condition gun. Thanks for posting, Frank.

Agree with Stan. I'm sure it function its great, but as far as being visually appealing its not. BTW, that gun is a fantastic shape.
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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by SmithShady »

Great condition on that one Frank, and I like the Beavertail. You said it came from the family of a one time employee. Any idea what he did for Ithaca? Any chance it's a one off creation he had a hand in making?

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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by Silvers »

Thanks gents for your inputs. To each his own. Gun came from a dealer located nearby Ithaca and he relayed the family factory connection to me. The combination of the forend and atypical Field chokes on a Model 6 Skeet indicates factory work but how that happened we'll never know. One thing I do know is that the gun comes up well on a sporting clays field and in the grouse covers. I took a bird with her in December while using some of the guns from the back of the safe. One shot, one kill. And she did real well against 12-gauge competition guns at Rock Mtn on Wednesday. :D frank
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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by Researcher »

If it isn't Skeet choked is it really a Model 6 and not just a fully optioned Model 5? Actually in 1934 and 1935 they didn't even call the Skeet Gun the Model 6 --
Feb. 15, 1934
Feb. 15, 1934
Feb. 15, 1935
Feb. 15, 1935
Jan. 25, 1936
Jan. 25, 1936
Certainly an interesting gun, and from Frank's picture certainly looks like "factory" work to me.
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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by Silvers »

Thank you Dave, The serial number dates to 1935 according to the chart in Walt's Ithaca book. Yes, she is fully optioned with single n/s trigger, ejectors, twin ivories and of course the beavertail. Chambers are 2-3/4". Kind of neat is a thin polished aluminum (?) "spacer" under the grip cap and a somewhat thicker one between the recoil pad and the gun butt. From now on I'll call the gun a fully optioned Model 5 A-Grade. Thanks again. frank
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Re: Not a Fox but still pretty cool

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

Whatever you call it, it is a beautiful little 20 bore!! I was able to handle her and she does come right up. Lively, sleek and in excellent shape. Not bad for a dame pushing 80!! 8)
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