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Fox Collectors
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What did you add to your Fox Collection in 2016?? I ask this question every year about this time. I realize it is before Christmas so you may find a Fox gun under the tree but what did you add and what did you turn back into the stream of commerce? I added a 12ga CE 12ga 30" half pistol in nice original condition circa 1916, 23XXX range. I hunted pheasants in South Dakota with it and posted pictures on our forum. I also added a BE 12ga 30" half pistol circa 1916, 23XXX range that is about 200 guns from the CE. It was a Gun Broker purchase after my dinner cocktail (dam that Buy it now Button!!!) that has some issues with two cracks in the stock on each side of the head and solder missing at the muzzle, otherwise all original condition. It should make a nice hunting gun but I hate surprises and normally try to stay away from projects, but second generation B's are one of my favorites. I also bought another project---- a very rare C-HE, 30504 12ga 32" off of gun broker, it is in need to some barrel and stock restorations and is in the capable hands of Brian Dudley, I hope to have it back before Hausmann's. Sold a mint 12ga Sterly 12ga 32" and a Late A 16ga 28" in nice used but original condition. So I am plus 1 for the year in Fox inventory.
What about you???
Here are two pictures of the 12ga CE, I do not have good pictures of the C-HE or the BE they are out at Brian's
Here is a poor picture of the C-HE
I bought Craig's 16 ga A to help him try to balance the books! That 16 ga is going out for some quail this weekend. Unfortunately in trying to help him, my books have gotten way out of balance on the positive side. Got a couple of really nice 12ga C grades. A 28" CE, #23xxx that weighs 6 lb 11oz and a real early 30" C. Gunbroker was too tempting for me also and I ended up with an early A 12ga #16xxx, 28" IC/F, that had a pachmayr pad on it that had been installed by a gorilla, but Brian Dudley was kind enough to quickly put it right with a more vintage pad. Got that gun for a song so I just couldn't help myself. A nice condition pin gun, a 16ga Sterlingworth 30" that had been restocked with a nice straight grip, and a 32" XE 12 in beautiful condition. Didn't intend to end up with two 12 ga C grades or with 2 16ga guns, but as it sometimes goes I bought one and then something similar but just a bit more suitable came along so I'll have a few to trade or sell, need to make a New Year's resolution to be in the minus column next year!
I have collected Fox guns for 25 years or so but I just found this board this year and have enjoyed all the good information and the common interests we all share. Thank you to all who participate and especially to Craig, Frank and the others that give so much of their time to keep things running.
Hope everyone has a safe Thanksgiving.
Craig, that "Buy Now" button can be dangerous at 5 a.m. as well. It paid off tho, the late B 12/30/F&F turned out to be better than expected but the waiting for delivery was misery Also added the early A str. grip 12/28 cyl/mod. in fair condition
Both guns filled glaring holes in the Fox roster and should be keepers. On the minus side I sold a Utica transition Sterly 12 and a Ithaca 37. So overall it was a +1 year.
Last edited by setterspell on Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:51 pm, edited 6 times in total.
I lucked into an XE 12 gauge, SN 22456, with the deep relief engraving and head down fox on the bottom of the receiver.
Owner said it belonged to his grandfather and he wanted to know what he had. The barrels measured 28 inches and looked to have open chokes. Using a US dime as a choke measuring device made them look about like IC and Mod, definitely not Full choke in either barrel which is more common. Had a Pachmyer pad and the stock was kinda dingy, barrel blue pretty nice, no vivid case color on the receiver. Everything functioned fine.
I suggested a range of values, both internet and realistic and mentioned the open chokes may not be correct. I offered him the low range value and he gleefully accepted it. A letter from John Callahan happily confirmed the IC and Mod chokes in the 28 inch barrels as factory original.
Jim DeMunck cleaned up the wood and installed a Silvers recoil pad on the gun. It originally shipped from the factory back in 1916 with a Silvers. Per my request, Jim also swapped the ejector springs with ones about half the force as the originals. Closes easier now after shooting both barrels but still kicks the empties out in nice fashion.
Added another smooth bore to the fleet this year. A Winchester model 61 pump for .22 Long Rifle shot. Made in the late 1940's. Not many of them around. Have another M61 smooth bore made just before WW2.
I sold a Colt SAA and a couple Smith & Wesson revolvers to help the bleeding.
No new Fox guns for me this year. Actually sold my Zoli Bilanx and 6 other doubles (Ithacas, LCS, Rem, and 1 project 16g Fox). I did procure a W&C Scott and Son "Excellencia Triplex" 12g with sweet Damascus pattern bbls for a song! Hope to be back into "buy mode" in 2017.
I got my late "B" 16 gauge in the waning days of 2015 so that technically does not count but it sure felt like a 2016 acquisition.
I did pick up an early CE just before the NE SXS shoot with a straight grip, but other than that I picked up an RBL from CSMC in 16 gauge that I have always wanted.
Always looking though LOL!!
Last edited by ROMAC on Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Somehow, the sound of a shotgun tends to cheer one up" -- Robert Ruark
I may be working on adding one; no comment for now. In the meantime my only addition of the year is this little Stevens Crack Shot in .22LR. I've been wanting a Favorite for a while but stumbled on this #26 and couldn't walk away...
I got my D upgrade back from Dan Rossiter a few weeks ago. That was the extend of my Fox acquisitions this year, and that one was 3 years in the works. Did also get the restocked Mannlicher also this year and that gun has already accounted for 3 Virginia Whitetails.
I bought a great high condition 20 gauge Philadelphia Sterlingworth, all original, but my project early A is still being held hostage by Dan Rossiter. I bought the single trigger 30" HE on gunbroker that had a bad restock, but I just couldn't resist. It was real cheap and it works, sometimes. I also bought a 32" HE that letters to Nash Buckingham's store. I didn't know how scarce these were.
Last edited by eightbore on Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
eightbore wrote:I bought a great high condition 20 gauge Philadelphia Sterlingworth, all original, but my project early A is still being held hostage by Dan Rossiter. I bought the single trigger 30" HE on gunbroker that had a bad restock, but I just couldn't resist. It was real cheap and it works, sometimes. I also bought a 32" HE that letters to Nash Buckingham's store. I didn't know how scarce these were.
What was the name of Mistuh Nash's sporting goods store? Was it Buckingham-Ensley-Carrigan ?
Thanks, Stan
I brought one Philly filly into the stable back in April ......... sold none. The new girl is a high condition 1919 AE 16 gauge with 30" barrels choked F and F. She weighs 6# 2 oz., has a full pistol grip and letters with a Silvers pad. She was originally shipped to Baker, Hamilton & Pacific of San Francisco, CA.