20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

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20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

Post by Brian »

I just picked up my restocked C Grade Sterlingworth. (photos forthcoming in a week or so).
I want to shoot it and have some RST's but not a lot. RST run 11 a box right now plus shipping.
I see Fiocchi makes a load that appears to be a 2 1/2" but I cant find out definitively. they say its for classic side by sides.
I found these listed at Graf & Sons. FIOCCHI AMMO 20ga LITEd 3/4oz 1075fps #7.5 Item Number: FC20LITE75

anyone know if these are either 2 1/2" or loaded to lower pressure .
also looking at Win AA 20 Ga Low recoil loads. they are 2 3/4" but are they loaded to lower pressure?

My Fox has 2 1/2" chambers but I can lengthen forcing cones or open to 2 3/4" if need be in order to shoot low pressure 2 3/4".
I am not in a position to load my own
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Re: 20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

All info I have on that lite Fiocchi is a 2 3/4" shell with light load and lower velocity. My 20g guns are 2 3/4" so I don't need to worry. Looks like the FC20LITE75 would work, but don't take my word for it (disclaimer).
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Re: 20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

Post by vaturkey »

Polywad had a 2 1/2" 20 gauge in their lineup. If you buy 10 boxes they are $10 per box. Might be the only true option. If you reload, let me know as I may have some once loaded 2 1/2" hulls around. Regards
Mike of the Mountain
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Re: 20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

RIO is supposed to have a 2 1/2" shell line-up coming our way too. I started cutting some Rem Gun Clubs down to 2 1/2" and loading them with a roll crimp. Also save all my RST 2 1/2" hulls for reloading too. If it was my Fox, I'd have the chambers lengthened for 2 3/4". But I'm a shooter, not a "collector".
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Re: 20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

Post by C.O.B. »

I wouldn't lengthen the chambers what I would do if you plan on shooting it a lot is start reloading. I load 2 1/2 inch RST hulls in all gauges and a 3/4oz 20 ga load is pure heaven to shoot.
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Re: 20 Ga 2 1/2" or Win AA Low recoil loads

Post by Wenaha »

I use 2-3/4" 7/8 oz. ammunition that does not exceed standard pressures. The difference between a 2-3/4" AA 20 hull and an RST 2-1/2" hull is actually about 1/16" in length - see the photo below. Not enough to matter at all.

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