Groundhog Day 2015

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Groundhog Day 2015

Post by ROMAC »

Tomorrow is Groudhog day. Punxsutawney Phil will come out and we will see if we have more winter or if spring will come early.

But I am referring to the movie which came out in 1993 starring Bill Murray. You see, I am also caught in a sort of groundhog day time loop. Every weekday for the last 29 years, 4 months and 18 days I have commuted by train into center city Philadelphia in the morning and roll right on by the Fox Factory building at 1913 North 18th and Windrim Avenue. Every night I do it again in the evening.


Think about it. Allowing at least 2 weeks a year for vacation, I have gone past the Fox factory an estimated 14,680 times in the last almost 30 years. So in some way, I start my day thinking about Fox guns and end my day thinking about Fox guns.

No wonder I have become such a nut. So like Bill Murray, I relive everyday thinking, strategizing, planning on how to discover the next great Fox find. The funny thing is, I really do not go to gun shows all that much and I have uncovered my best finds locally, not over the internet. I'm lucky in that regard, the area I live in is literally the AH Fox company's backyard.

So tomorrow, like every other day, I will wake up and look forward to the chance to discover that next great find.

Groundhog day suits me just fine.
"Somehow, the sound of a shotgun tends to cheer one up" -- Robert Ruark
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Re: Groundhog Day 2015

Post by vaturkey »

Well said. Yes you are indeed located at ground zero for Foxes.
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Re: Groundhog Day 2015



HA what a great "Groundhog Day" experience for a Fox collector. Attending GH day in Punxsutawney is a fond Straub beer drinking memory for me. The collegiate drinking festivities are somewhat different today than when I attended from what I hear.

Jim Cloninger
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Re: Groundhog Day 2015

Post by Jim Cloninger »

Well, Punxsutawney Phil sure laid some winter on you eastern folks! Jim
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
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Re: Groundhog Day 2015

Post by cockerman »

and...I hear he bites...
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Re: Groundhog Day 2015

Post by DumblikeaFox »


HA what a great "Groundhog Day" experience for a Fox collector. Attending GH day in Punxsutawney is a fond Straub beer drinking memory for me. The collegiate drinking festivities are somewhat different today than when I attended from what I hear.

Yes. Yes they are.....but St. Patricks Day is FAR worse. Being from the Indiana, Pa. area I have three words of advice for anyone that lives in town and who can do so during that week.....Get Out Now.
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