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Fox Collectors
The Fox Collectors forum was founded in 2006 to stimulate interest in the history and production of Fox shotguns. We believe you will enjoy our forum and learn more about the rich history of Fox shotguns.
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The hunting has been slow but today the northern flight birds arrived!! Shot my pin Sterly. It's been a long wait but today was special. Looks like a few more days of great hunting but may be frozen out next week.
Good for you Craig.....our season reopened today and I didn't go because I wouldn't even know where to begin to find a duck around here this year. We used to have a bunch of spots with puddle ducks... jump shooting was a blast, guess the puddles are all gone. Our property down on the Mohawk River doesn't really ever get many ducks until other spots start to freeze.
IN GOD WE TRUST. SPE Skeet & Uplands and AH Fox vent rib guns a specialty
Thanks Tom I having been hunting hard. Last week one bird in three hunts. Today it was raining ducks. Looks like a big freeze thanksgiving week which will shut down our marsh. Your spot and the big finger lakes should get hot.
My little girl Lucy is two years old. She is small but a great retriever. She has over 70 retrieves this year so far. She handles extremely well her only problem is she is vocal but that is improving.
Way to go, Craig. Your Lucy is a great looking Lab. I hope you continue to have good hunting until freeze-up. The duck hunting, where I hunt in the northern Sacramento valley, has been real slow. Jim
Goodbye Mandy, once in a life time hunting dog. I miss you every day.
You are whetting my appetite strongly, Craig, but no big ducks here yet. It was 86 degrees yesterday afternoon!! Season doesn't come in until the 23rd.
Good for you taking the SW. I know "she" enjoyed the outing.
Jim: Our first season closed Sunday the 8th. Our marsh was 99% frozen except for one little open hole which held 500 blacks and mallards. Walked the boat over 3" thick ice to get to the hole----the results are pictured below---the kind of hunt you dream about. We can hunt divers during our second season on the Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario----it is very hard hunting in extreme conditions requiring specialized boats and 150 decoys.