Went to the Hardware Store and found …

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Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by Witty1 »

On my way to pick up one of my sons that works at Boy Scout Camp as a Life Guard and Camp Councilor which I do every weekend. Silvers always asks why I don’t attend A.H. Fox events, well one of these days I will. I stopped in a local Hardware Store that sells guns. To my surprise I found a CE in the used gun selection and asked about negotiating price? The Clerk told me to come back in a week because the store Owner was on vacation. So I left a deposit to hold the gun and wrote down the serial number. Used the card check feature on the A.H. Fox Member’s site and dam the gun is pretty much original for a 1910 CE.


Negotiations went well and the rest is history so I have my first CE.


Someone added spacers and Whiteline pad which is a good thing, so the LOP is to long for me. Suggestions on the correct replacement pad? I like Jostam but the repro the vents are straight, what would be the correct period pad for 1910?


The only real problem I see is the trigger guard had the original buyers name engraved on it and this has sadly been ground off, suggestions? Would you put your name there or the original owners?

Can’t wait for Pheasant Season, normally I carry a 16 or 20 gauge fox, but will be going back to 12 to try this one out. Tool Man thanks for the card check...
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by Jim Cloninger »

Put a Silvers pad from England on your CE. Jim
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by fox-admin »

Amazing ya just never know where they will show up----very nice gun congratulations on a very nice find----bring it to Hausmanns next spring. Craig
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by Silvers »

Wow, Rick, very nice! I knew something was up when I saw your card check request. Well now instead of coming to events to find Foxes you can come to show them off. :D A real Silver's would be great on that gun. Our mutual friend Craig Libhart has a source for them. Congrats! Frank
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …


........glad there's still one hardware store that sells guns. Congrats.

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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by SmithShady »

The only thing better than the anticipation of what you might find in a store like that, is the feeling you get when you're finally rewarded for the time you put in making so many stops like this. If I'm by myself and and have time, I can't drive by a pawn shop or a gun store without stopping to see what's there, especially if I'm out of town. Nice find!

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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by Witty1 »

Agreed a Silvers Pad would be the right choice and look really sharp on a 1910 CE.

As for Fox treasure hunting yes it takes time and I have been to this store many times. Even in the secrete back room, but didn’t expect to find this. It’s an exciting hobby that takes patients. As for out of town I spent a week in Minnesota last week and made it to two Cabelas, a Gander Mountain, and 2 local gun shops and didn’t see one A.H. Fox? Not sure if geography has anything to do with it. Fox shipped everywhere but maybe it does, Allentown is not far from Philly.

Never thought I would own a CE still feeling over the top about it. Well I’d just like to say thanks to all the great people on this site and the member’s site that are willing to share A.H. Fox knowledge, you’re all exceptional people.
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by eightbore »

Whose name was on the trigger guard originally?
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by TOOL MAN »

Great find Rick....congrats! Would love to see a pic of the trigger guard. Any trace of the owner's name left or did the grinding wheel erase all clues? Text book example of the value of a card look-up/J.C. letter. What you think is after-market turns out to be factory. Nothing cooler than to find a name on a trigger guard or barrel that was part of the factory specs.! It cracks open the window and hopefully (with the aid of the Internet search engines) allows us a peek into a bygone era. JMHO but I would try like hell to get it back to the way it left Philly. ----TOOL
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Re: Went to the Hardware Store and found …

Post by Witty1 »

Tool I have to agree and both points. The information on the factory card sealed the deal, just to know the metal and barrels are correct and not cut. I did think Cylinder (measured IM) and Full were a little odd. But could be the best of both worlds because I’m a quick shot on pheasants, so if the first trigger misses, there will be lots of time to get to the second.
There is no worse feeling than reading a JC letter about your favorite Bird Gun. A STW Ejector 20 gauge with open chokes with 26 inch barrels, only to find out it started life with 28 inch barrels. It really makes your heat sink, but I have shot a lot of birds with that gun, and it is what it is. So knowing what is on the card before you buy is a huge advantage.
The name on the trigger guard is “Delwin M. Shepley” did not find anything on the gent. It would be fitting to get his name back on the Trigger Guard. But I’m not sure if that could be done with what is left. Ideas?
I did point out the grinding on the Guard and it did help with getting the price down. The Serial number was also difficult to read but you can read it and all the numbers match. I do need to buy a better camera than the on on my phone.
The Top side looks much better.
Thanks again for all the help.
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