paypal for membership

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jim garrett
Posts: 37
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paypal for membership

Post by jim garrett »

T tried to pay my annual dues by Paypal, which I use quiet often, and the site kept referring me to the only option of paying over time. For $30.00 , I am not going to pay over time. I finally got frustrated and closed the check for my dues is in the mail. Jim Garrett
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Re: paypal for membership

Post by vaturkey »

jim garrett wrote:T tried to pay my annual dues by Paypal, which I use quiet often, and the site kept referring me to the only option of paying over time. For $30.00 , I am not going to pay over time. I finally got frustrated and closed the check for my dues is in the mail. Jim Garrett

Paypal wants you to go that route. However you will see the following after you submit your paypal password:

Would you like to pay for your order using Bill Me Later®, a PayPal service? If you click No, you can still complete your checkout.

Just click No and then you can go ahead and do a one time billing. At least it worked for me. I just paid my dues this weekend.
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