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the AH Fox Collectors Association have access to a private forum where Fox guns
are bought and sold, Newsletters are archived, and many more interesting topics
about Fox guns are discussed by knowledgeable collectors. In addition AHFCA has
copies of all the available factory production cards for graded guns.
Members may obtain a copy of a card on an individual gun. Each member receives
one free card look up per year and then a $25.00 fee applies. To obtain
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To view a sample of
a factory card click on the card below
Fox Collectors
The Fox Collectors forum was founded in 2006 to stimulate interest in the history and production of Fox shotguns. We believe you will enjoy our forum and learn more about the rich history of Fox shotguns.
NO ITEMS MAY BE POSTED FOR SALE ON THIS FORUM or direct references to items for sale. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: A personal item that’s obviously for sale or would appear to be for sale; or if a link is posted to some other site where the item is for sale. Please note that references to items posted elsewhere are ok for discussion as long as a direct link is not included. Any "Wanted to Buy" posts are not allowed and will be removed. The moderators will delete any posts that are deemed offensive, abusive or slanderous in nature. Commercial operations or businesses may not advertise nor appear to advertise their products or services, either directly, or indirectly by a second party, except for simple reference as a source for such products or services
Sadly I must announce that Mr. Bill Harris a Life member of the AHFCA passed away on July 12th. Bill or Billy as his family called him was a true Southern Gentleman and good friend of all who knew him. Bill was instrumental in the formation of the AHFCA with his financial support, and his extremely generous donation of the AH Fox factory records to the organization. I had the pleasure of meeting Bill and Anita at their home in Florida in 2009; we became instant friends. Bill had many collecting interest including classic cars, vintage tractors, military arms and of course Fox guns. Bill has a very large family, three sons and a daughter and many grandchildren. Bill loved his family and his country estate. Bill will be missed he was a great man.
The family asked me to delay the announcement of his passing in order to maintain their privacy. Craig Larter
I was sorry to hear of Mr. Harris' passing. I was fortunate to meet he & Mrs. Harris once at the Las Vegas show several years ago and we had a nice time. He had previously provided me with some of his personal Fox records for me to do some research on guns that I was interested was a very generous & gracious deed.
Yes, Craig, we have lost a true gentleman and Fox fan.
IN GOD WE TRUST. SPE Skeet & Uplands and AH Fox vent rib guns a specialty
The BD's have known of Bill's passing, and I thank Craig for keeping in touch with Anita during this very sad time, and delaying his announcement. My friend Toolman and I first met Billy a little over three years ago, and I immediately liked this man. Turns out he and I had many of the same interests including classic cars, US military rifles and of course Foxes. We talked many times since then and he always impressed me as a Southern Gentleman, a pretty smart and savvy guy, and honest as the day is long. We all here are blessed in some manner because of this fine man. Just thinking back over the past three years I am sure Billy was ready when the Master issued his summons. Rest in peace Billy.
Here's a pic of that first get together with me on the left, Toolman center and Mr. Bill Harris right.
"True Southern Gentleman"......indeed. The Fox community has lost an ardent supporter. So glad I was able to spend some time with him and my comrade Silvers, a few years back. It was an epic journey that I'll never forget. I know Billy was "grandfather proud" of the AHFCA and the tremendous progress we made, especially in those early years. No doubt he will be looking down at us next week at the Vintage Cup. Sitting back with that wry little smile, sipping a wee bit of the "recipe" and negotiating with St. Peter on a nice, honest Fox!! Here's to Heaven and high grades, my good friend. -------TOOL
Bill Harris was a wonderful man, and generous to a fault with the Fox records. Whether most of you know it or not, Bill and a mutual friend from "Down South" actually physically copied the original Fox order cards, and in duplicate no less. What a task that must have been. I will miss him. Bill Murphy
I only had the pleasure of meeting him once at the spring Tulsa show a few years ago. After that one short meeting I felt that I had just met a very special person. In the months following I learned more of the great contributions he had made to the Fox collecting community & this helped confirm my initial feelings about the man.
The Fox collecting world and humanity in general has just loss a truly great man!
Thank you for all you have done, May you rest in peace!!!!!