Stock length on 1913 Sterlingworth

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Garratt Tayler
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Stock length on 1913 Sterlingworth

Post by Garratt Tayler »

Good Evening:

I have just purchased a 1913 Sterlingworth 20 gauge with 26 inch barrels. The gun is in good shape but has a Pachmeyer (sp?) butt pad. I would like to either restock the gun or have the stock returned to its original length by adding wood to the stock after removal of the pad. What I am hoping to find out is, what was the original length of the stock and where I can get an original butt plate for it. Also, does anyone know of a good gunsmith in Oregon or Washington that they trust? Thank you for any help.
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Re: Stock length on 1913 Sterlingworth

Post by fullchoke16 »

Standard Length of Pull on a Sterlingworth is 14 inches. That would be from the front trigger to the butt plate measured in a straight line. That will tell you about how short your stock is from standard. Galazan has repro butt plates. I've never been to Oregon as of yet so I'm not much help there. Fred
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Re: Stock length on 1913 Sterlingworth

Post by bbman3 »

Keith Kearcher, google him. Bobby
Garratt Tayler
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Re: Stock length on 1913 Sterlingworth

Post by Garratt Tayler »

Thank you Fred and Bobby. Fred - Oregon is a tremendously beautiful place, well worth a trip. Garratt
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Re: Stock length on 1913 Sterlingworth

Post by nca225 »

Garratt Tayler wrote:Thank you Fred and Bobby. Fred - Oregon is a tremendously beautiful place, well worth a trip. Garratt
I'll second that. I was there once on a business trip with a quick stop at the Deschutes for three days. Absolutely breathtaking across the state with three distinct and beautiful climates rolling into one state. Would love to go back!

While fishing the Deschutes I flushed a bunch of chukar to boot!

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