Somebody Please Please Help

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82nd Airborne
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Somebody Please Please Help

Post by 82nd Airborne »

Hey Everyone, I really need some help here. I have a FOX Model B 410 that I was given by my father. Not sure the exact date on the gun but my grandfather bought it when my dad was a kid and gave it to him and then it was given to me and in a couple years I would give it to my son. This was first gun I ever hunted with when I was a kid, my dad and grandpa would take me rabbit and bird hunting in the fields around my house. So needless to say this shotgun is very important to me and I still try to shoot it a couple times a year. Here is where the problem starts, the other day I was bored and decided to try and clean the gun because as far as I know it hadnt really been cleaned except the barrels in a long time. Well when I took it apart the springs came off and I realized I should have gotten somone with a clue (gunsmith) to do this for me. I panicked and put the gun back together and I have screwed something up.. I know my terminology is going to be wrong when I explain whats its doing so I apologize. I thought I put everything back the way it was but I didnt and now the gun will not fire, the trigger does not pick up the first (sear?) high enough to hit the hammer. It is really close but if you move it up with your finger it will hit it and the second barrel will work fine. Im not sure what i did, maybe switched the sides by accident or didnt put the spring back correctly. The gun is back together at the moment and I am petrified to take it apart again and dont really want to take it to somone who is not going to try to fix it properly. I was hoping somone could send me some manual or diagram of how it goes back together or how theirs looks correctly. I have not slept for 2 nights now knowing that I may have broken something. So somone please help me, I think the gun may be from the 50" dad thinks he was around 10 when he got it and he is 63 now. If you need pictures let me know and I can take it apart again and send a picture of the way it is now to see if I did something wrong. Before I got the bright idea to do this the gun work great, never an issue. Hope somone can help, thanks
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by JakeFlyFish »

Have you checked Numerich Arms ( Gun parts )? Here is the link. ... catid=5627 This link will give you the actual schematics for your gun I believe, if not, it's there as they have posted many schematics. I don't have a gun of that nature right now or I'd gladly send you pictures. Let me see what I can find for you however in my gunsmithing books & manuals. Jerry Andrews
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by 82nd Airborne »

Awesome will check that link out this afternoon
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by 82nd Airborne »

tn.jpg (2.59 KiB) Viewed 5861 times
here is a picture of the gun..if this uploads
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by JakeFlyFish »

I think those schematics will work for you. let me know. Thanks much, and thank you for serving in our Armed Forces. It's what keeps us from being just another communist country. Respectfully, Jerry Andrews
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by Fin2Feather »

As you probably know, internally the gun is the same as a Stevens 311, so if you can't find a scematic specifically for a Fox B, one for a311 will work. Good luck!
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by bbman3 »

I seem to remember that in one of brownell's gunsmith kinjs books,there are three or four, it shows how to make a clamp to install the main springs.I know nothing about your Fox,only AH Fox guns but i hope this info might help.Bobby
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by bbman3 »

spelling! Gunsmith Kinks Books
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by Fin2Feather »

There is a book entitled The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly. It may be available lots of places but I know that Cornell Publications has it. I believe this link will get you there: ... em_id=2789; if not go to their site at According to the table of contents on the Cornell site it contains diagrams for the Stevens 311. I have one in .410 and it's essentially the same gun as your Fox B. Hope this helps!
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by 82nd Airborne »

awesome im gonna look for it, thinkin of takin it to a gun smith to look at it. you couldnt post a picture with everything correctly put together,
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by Fin2Feather »

Here ya go, but not sure you can tell much from it.

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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by 82nd Airborne »

Thank you, I think its one of the springs in the back...gonna go to a gunsmith unless i can find that book in the library. i really appreciate it i will keep you posted with the outcome
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by saddlesore »

I have the Firearms Assy/Dissaembly book that shows the FOX B. It expalins that you need a special tool to replace the hammers to get them aligned to put the pin back in .

I live out aways from town, and it's at zero degrees here for a few days.If you can wait until I get to a copier,I can send you the two pages.

Vince mautino
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by 82nd Airborne »

Yes that would be so great, atleast if i have that I can give it to the gunsmith so it can be fixed properly. If you want to PM me I will give you my address and will also send you payment for the copying, postage and time to do this. Thank You. That sounds like what the problem could be
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Re: Somebody Please Please Help

Post by fullchoke16 »

A friend of mine, recently picked up a 311 that needed cleaned up badly. He removed the stock, did his cleaning and put it back together. He told me to try it out the next day at the trap range. It is a double trigger gun. The right barrel wouldn't fire but after pulling that trigger, the left barrel would fire every time. He took it apart again and found that the spring under the safety wasn't quite in the right place. I think that is the spring behind the sears in Fins photo. You might want to take a look at that. My buddy said that he messed with the gun for quite a while till he saw what was holding things up. It sounds like an easy thing to miss. Look for any wear marks or something that appears out of alignment. Hope this helps. Fred
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