Early A and B grades

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Early A and B grades

Post by waterman »

On the for arm of the early A and B grades is it the same checkering pattern? Donnie
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Re: Early A and B grades

Post by Researcher »

The front forearm in this picture came off an early A-Grade, but I've generally considered this to be the B-Grade pattern, with the "normal" A-Grade pattern not having the little point to the rear in the middle of the bottom. Middle is a 1920s A-Grade forearm, and rear is a Savage-era A-Grade forearm.


I suspect the B-Grades may have generally had slightly finer checkering then the A-Grades but I've never really done an LPI study on Fox checkering.
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Re: Early A and B grades

Post by cargie32 »

Dave, I have a early "B" #2924 which has same pattern as front forend, also an "A" #13375, shipped Jun 1912, with same pattern, "A" grade #18 has same basic layout, but without the center point. So!!
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