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by Spearheadbill
Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:33 am
Forum: "Technicana" and Restoration Forum
Topic: A Grade auto-safety disable?
Replies: 2
Views: 1048

A Grade auto-safety disable?

Hello, I just became a FOX owner and I have the A grade 12g with 32" bbls. I want to disable the auto safety feature and from what i can gather it's as "simple" as removing the rod that resembles a nail? If i remove the rod will the safety still work manually? and is that all that nee...
by Spearheadbill
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:29 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

jolly bill wrote: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:03 pm Hey, Spearheadbill,

What's a "DT 11"? Curious folks would like to know.

And I'm sure you've had time to do the dime test. And the result is??

Thanks, and enjoy you're new to you Fox. It sounds like a winner.

No go on the dime. i used an 2004 dime and not even close.
by Spearheadbill
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:27 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

OkAY, I tried a 2004 dime and it does not fit. not close. full and full
by Spearheadbill
Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:16 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

DT 11 is my Beretta (can i even say that in here?) no i haven't done the dime. i'm going to my safe now.
by Spearheadbill
Tue Sep 27, 2022 7:17 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

Thanks for that DIME trick! I don't have the paperwork on it yet but I'm told it's FULL FULL but i will check with the dime. I picked her up yesterday and took it to the sporting clays range this morning and whatever those chokes are they are staying! this gun just fits me. i took it to the pattern ...
by Spearheadbill
Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:17 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

Thank you very much for that! after all "it's the finest gun in the world"! i've had different guys tell me their opinions and I'm just going to shoot 1200 or less. i don't shoot much over that except turkey hunting anyway. I'm going to take her out tomorrow for my first time shooting her ...
by Spearheadbill
Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:19 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

Jeff S wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:33 pm Beautiful gun, and welcome to the group. I shoot 1 oz. loads in mine.
Thank you. what speed are the 1oz you shoot? i'm hoping that 1200fps is ok or should i run something a bit slower?
by Spearheadbill
Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:04 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

Re: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

I'm not sure but I think full mod. How can I tell? I won't have the gun in my hands until Tuesday. The gentleman I got it from wasn't sure.
by Spearheadbill
Sun Sep 25, 2022 5:04 pm
Forum: Pictures of your Fox
Topic: New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls
Replies: 18
Views: 7417

New to me. Fox A grade 12g 32" bbls

Hello, I just purchased an A Grade FOX 12g with 32" barrels. I don't know much about SxS guns but I've been wanting a 32" 12g and this seemed to good to pass up. I just recently joined and shoot with the California side by side society and they're a great group of people. I was wondering w...