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I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:54 pm
by Sporrns
Something about the innate funkiness of post-WW II Savage Foxes has always captivated me. Garish cyanide colors, pressed checkering, 2x4 forends, and especially the square billet-steel ingot receivers of the .410s. (Who needs profiled frames?!).
This little number surfaced recently at our local show, which has slowly degenerated from a dozen or so dealers with fine double guns down to mostly now black guns & "conversion kit" parts packages", concealed carry underwear & body armor, and MREs in abundance. We also have a resident middle Eastern fudge dealer in residence!
I looked this gun over carefully and couldn't let her lay - amazing surviving case colors, BTFE, original hard rubber buttplate AND grip cap, single non-selective trigger, 28" VENT RIB barrels bored .019 and .031, best I can tell hand-checkered and - best of all - its a 16 gauge! Ultimately funky because it has no ejectors - imagine; VR, ST, but no ejectors! A Model BS with no serial numbers on any parts, but the tiny oval in front of the frame brake is stamped 8L, which I believe signifies a manufacture date of 1960. Thought you would enjoy some photos. Kevin
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:45 pm
by DarylC
Funky is a relative term Kevin. I've got, dare I admit it, a Model B in 12 that I bought for pennies on the dollar just because of it's condition. Figured it could be a starter gun for a grandchild or a friend who wanted to start down the slippery slope of SxS's.
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:00 pm
by Jeff S
You'll probably "smoke" the clays at the 5 Stand with that one.

Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:10 pm
by Researcher
Chicopee Falls or Westfield on the barrels?
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:28 pm
by Sporrns
It's a Chicopee Falls gun Dave.
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:52 pm
by Fin2Feather
'61 by my calcs. Lot of wild game dinners brought home by guns just like that one. And I think that's kinda the point when you get right down to it

. I had a near mint Model B 12ga c. 1960 - double triggers, splinter, extractors, vent rib. My father-in-law wanted one and I found it for him but he had some health issues and never really got to shoot it; when he passed my mother-in-law gave it to me. Later I knew she could use the money so I sold it and gave the money to her - one of the few guns I've ever sold, and one I sort of wish I hadn't. Good on ya for not turning up your nose.
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 8:43 pm
by Don Ay
I bought mine when I was 16 years old from a from an old fellow that was a welder and worked for my dad I believe its late 40's early fifties vintage.
In all my youthful bliss I had a "Fox" but as all the old timers I knew said it has to be a "Phily Fox" then 20 years later and having 12 and 20 HE's & CHE's I still have place in my heart for that ole gun and the memories it made...I wouldn't trade it for a 3"- 32"barreled straight grip HE....welll nah LOL
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:06 am
by Jeff S
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:07 am
by Jim Cloninger
Nice bunch of Sprig, Don. What year was that? Back in the 50's you could shoot 10 Sprig per day in California! When I started duck hunting it was 7 per day. Seven made a nice limit.
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:42 am
by Researcher
Is that a Simmons vent rib on the gun? It certainly isn't the flat Henry K. Lockwood, Patent No. 3,005,263 granted Oct. 24, 1961, vent rib normally seen on the Fox Model B and B-ST. From the 1960 Savage/Stevens/Fox catalog --
A Chicopee Falls gun with the Lockwood vent rib --
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:11 pm
by eightbore
Dave, have I ever shared my method of returning a Model B top lever to the center position with you? By the way, Kevin and I were out Friday with his Model B and my new favorite trap gun.
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:34 pm
by Sporrns
Damn sure is a Simmons vent rib!! Logo(s) on the left barrel read: "Savage Arms Corporation, Chicopee Falls, Mass. U.S.A., Patent Applied For." This appears in 3 lines, to the left of which reads "Fox", to the right of script reads "Model B." Just like your photo - OMG !!! - could it be an ultra-rare, pre-1961 Henry K. Lockwood patent approval date prototype? Wish they had gone with it - hate looking at that ugly-a** screw at the junction of the rib extension!!! Kevin
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:46 pm
.....and hopefully she weighs a tad
under 6 lbs. 13 oz.?????

Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:41 pm
by Sporrns
Steve; she tips my 1920's spring loaded grocery scale at 6 lb 14 oz. I need new batteries for my USPS postal digital scale and will check that wt. out. Or I could have a new custom splinter forend made for the competition next year......K.
Re: I couldn't let this one lay.........
Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:38 pm
by Silvers
These Chicopee Fox B's are kind of neat. Thanks Kevin for posting. I look forward to seeing her at one of the events.
I've been doing clays and now some hunting with a B-ST in 410 that I've had for a while but hadn't used all that much. Both chokes check out as Improved Mod, weight 6-5 on my digital scale and its vent rib sure makes a nice sighting plane after I pulled its huge mid bead that was catching my eye. Balances right on the hinge pin and handles really well.