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Interchange of Parts Lefever Nitro Special
Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:31 pm
by Johnm11
Does anyone know if there are any parts that can interchange with a 16 gauge Lefever Nitro Special? Specifically firing pins and hammers but general rules, if known, would be helpful. I suspect 20 gauge might, but I don't have anything to compare to.
Re: Interchange of Parts Lefever Nitro Special
Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:33 pm
by Researcher
Don't know if this will help much but here is a parts list from about 14 years after they quit making them.
If you check out Walter Snyder's article in the latest
The Double Gun Journal on the Nitro Special you'll see over the production run there were three different frames, so I'd guess there is more to Nitro Special parts then shown on this list.
Re: Interchange of Parts Lefever Nitro Special
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:25 am
by Johnm11
Thank you Researcher,
EDIT: It appears that the firing pin is different. The parts list states 'Give Gauge of Gun' after firing pin. At least I know the answer to that question. Now all I have to do is find a 16 gauge firing pin or make one. I need to get the old one out yet. I'm still making the tool(s) to do that.
I'll try to find the article. And that is the best parts list I have seen in my internet searches for this shotgun.
Thanks Again!
John M.
Mesa, AZ
Re: Interchange of Parts Lefever Nitro Special
Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 10:21 pm
by Researcher
Here is the Ithaca Lefever parts list from the 1939 Stoeger catalog --
Re: Interchange of Parts Lefever Nitro Special
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:18 pm
by Johnm11
Thanks Researcher,
Reading through that:
"Extra barrels cost 1/2 the price of the entire gun"
John M.
Mesa, AZ
Re: Interchange of Parts Lefever Nitro Special
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:34 pm
by Johnm11
To close this post off, the replacement firing pins I received from GunParts Corp. both appeared to be factory NOS with blue. GunParts didn't indicate that the firing pins were different for different gauges. Not surprising. Although they didn't fit they were very close. It may well be that Lefever (Ithaca) made different pins for different gauges. But I was able to fit the new pin (I only replaced one) for diameter with sand paper and length with a file.
The best information we have is that Lefever (Ithaca) required gauge when ordering new pins. I suspect they had only one size for all gauges but would size it for the gauge ordered. But, that is just a guess. The only think I know for sure is that the pins I got from GunParts could be fitted to a 16 gauge. YMMV.