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New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:35 am
by Tazman
When I perched my pup before the litter was delivered, I also bought an AH Fox shotgun bringing me to this wonderful site. I picked up my new hunting partner on Saturday. I have trained three hunting dogs in my life but never a pointer. This is the first Brittney that I have ever owned and she is really surprising me with her intelligence. On the way home, she went into point on a small bird as we stopped to do potty time. At 8 weeks old, she is retrieving toys as we play in the house. What a wonderful companion she will prove to be.
Anyone want to see pictures of a puppy? Of course you do. Here is a couple pictures of 8 week old Sage. Hunting pictures to come in the fall.
Sorry for the pictures not being the correct orientation. Looks like I get to spend time learning another websites issues with posting a perfectly good picture as taken. Oh goody.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:57 pm
by glassman48
Thanks for posting those cute puppy pictures. What a great looking puppy you have, I have a brittany too. That dog is so smart its pretty amazing. Where are you from Tazman? I have a brittany breeder that lives about a mile away, he has been very helpful in my training my first bird dog too.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:58 pm
by larrys
Nice looking pup. Enjoy one another.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:56 am
by Tazman
Live in Napa Valley. Brittanys are not very common and finding a Pup was a real challenge. Contacted N CA Brittany Association and they put me in touch with a respected breeder that was expecting a litter. Drove to Atascadero 4 hours away on Friday, stayed overnight in Paso Robles, and drove back the following day.
Unbelievable how smart Sage is. Creates a real challenge keeping her entertained as we wait 8 WEEKS for the Parvo vaccinations to be complete. Can’t leave the house for walks or excercise. I guess we have a real problem with Parvo here.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:19 pm
by fox-admin
Beautiful Brit!!! Love the name.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:58 pm
by Sporrns
Great looking pup! Hope you drank some Paso Robles Cabernet or Pinot Noir on the way down to pick her up. Have never owned a Brit but have hunted over several and was never disappointed. The very best was a compact but brawny male named Skye (for the single malt Scotch) who was the best woodcock dog I ever shot over. Owned by a former shooting buddy, he was very mellow but a hard driver; like my English Setter, he would drive face-first into a bramble thicket to roust a woodcock or grouse on the "go!" command. Kevin
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:30 pm
by Tazman
Just hit 13 weeks and has doubled in size to 20 lbs. I just received permission to train her on a 1000 acre ranch two minutes from home. Lots of real quail to help with her development. Vaccinations complete in 3 weeks. Should be a wonderful spring.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 6:11 am
by Jeff S
That's a great picture!
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 8:10 am
by Jimmy Goodtime
Beautiful lady you have there. Careful, Spaniels have a way of stealing your heart!
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 10:47 am
by Jim Cloninger
You have a winner. Keep us informed as training progresses. Jim
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:05 pm
by Tazman
Jim, we just spent May traveling around Southern Idaho and had Sage on Valley Quail every day. She is the birdyest dog I have ever owned. My favorite quail encounter was when she was walking up a blind incline with me 20’ back on her lead. As she hit the top she was nose to beak with a quail and through a wonderful 5 second point. The quail finally flew and she went crazy. Not as crazy as me though. She is developing nicely except for the “come” command. She ran across the 13th and 14th hole of a golf course chasing Canadian Sky Rats. I was running behind her calling and she didnt know I existed.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 5:57 am
by vaturkey
Prey drive is a wonderful thing. Can be interesting when they shut off their ears when they are in heavy prey drive mode. I've more then once worn out a set of lungs trying to get a dog off a hot scent.
Re: New addition to the Family - Brittney Pup
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:36 am
She is great looking pup......always exciting to look forward to training and field days ahead. You are fortunate to have wild birds to expose her to. Post more info & pictures as she grows and progresses.