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Southern Side by Side and Drake Landing

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:39 pm
by SmithShady
For those of you traveling to the Southern, just a reminder to come shoot with us at Drake Landing (25min from the Southern) on Thursday if you're going to be in town early. As usual, Dan Andrews is going to have lunch available for us, and two 100 station sporting clays courses and five stand ready to go. A lot of us will be shooting there every morning this week prior to heading down to deep river for the afternoon. If you need any info on Drake's feel free to post here or PM me. I'm sure we'll be getting started when they open at 9:00AM and going all day. Looking forward to seeing everyone.



Re: Southern Side by Side and Drake Landing

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:00 pm
by CableguyJJS3
I'll be there Mike, wouldn't miss it, look forward to seeing everyone again this year. As always for those who don't know me, I'm the good looking guy from Atlanta shooting the brown guns as Rich likes to call em!! See you guys Thursday morning!! Jim

Re: Southern Side by Side and Drake Landing

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:00 pm
by gwsmith
Bring your rain gear - we’ve had thunderstorms all week that will continue off and on thru the weekend. It’ll be muddy in Sanford.