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Reunite Fox A Grade Serial # 24423 second set.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:38 pm
by LVAKA362
Have second set of barrels & matching forearm for 12 ga. serial number 24423 A grade. :?:

PM me if you've got the gun.

Re: Reunite Fox A Grade Serial # 24423 second set.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:12 pm
by SmithShady
I'm responding here to push this one to the top. Alan posted this originally, but I've now owned these barrels and forearm for some time. I can't pass by an AE 12 gauge on a dealers table or website without checking the serial number. They snap right onto a C grade I have like they were made for it, and one of the ejectors even works without any modification. While it would be easy to get them working on this gun, I'm holding out hope I'll find the original gun some day.
