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Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:41 pm
by dennyibrandt
Forgive me. I'm a bit snow crazy and thinking of the old days. Reading about caution and wondering if I'm lucky to be alive..... I got my first Fox in '63 or '64; an early A 12ga. Immediately I took it to a gunsmith and had it rechambered for 3" shells.If less is worse then more is B-E-T-T-E-R. Ducks fly just out of range. They learn that in duck school. As ducks began to fall others became curious about the Ansley. The midwest had few. Most suspicioned it was some kinda Savage Stevens thing. But it reached out ....The kid in the waders and the long barrels.....What is that?...This went on till the early 70's. My poor Krupp barrels kept breaking open for two more. The action however did loosen. But loose actions didn't bother me. Eventually, I sold it. I had to in order to miss it....No idea what number barrels I had.....Then around 2000 I acquired a 16ga 30" Sterlingworth, F/F with #4 barrels. Since my background was the early A, I had it rechambered to 2 and 3/4 and eventually began using 1 and 1/16 and heavier Tungsten Matrix loads. Nothing blew and ducks fell....It seemed to be as rangey as my early A. So I'm wondering.....How many Fox guns are out there with blown barrels due to factory loads? I've heard bits and pieces here and there but reloads and blocked barrels don't keep me up at night. I'm not being critical of the cautious but I want the best reachout performance from my Fox. I'm not ready for an HE but I'm not looking for a 2 trigger tombstone either......Just wondering......DEN

Re: Blowistics

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:52 pm
by eightbore
None. Now it's your job to remember the question. My long time duck hunting buddy rechambers every early A he buys to 3" and shoots them, steel or lead. No damage has been observed. He has never paid more than $300 for one. My 3 3/4" chambered $300 Sterlingworth shot a bunch of steel also and never showed any damage. It is now in the hands of a friend who foolishly relieved the wonderful chokes.

Re: Blowistics

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:05 am
by dennyibrandt
Thats one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me........Thank You.....DEN

Re: Blowistics

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:00 am
by eightbore
By the way, my 3 3/4" chambered Sterlingworth was that way when I bought it at Dave Noreen's favorite gun store in Alexandria, VA.

Re: Blowistics

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:45 pm
by dennyibrandt
Talked to Mark Beasland this afternoon. He sees more doubles than most. He could only remember one C grade that blew-near the forend- with a factory load. The barrel wall was 15 thousandth at the site......DEN