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copies of all the available factory production cards for graded guns.
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Fox Collectors
The Fox Collectors forum was founded in 2006 to stimulate interest in the history and production of Fox shotguns. We believe you will enjoy our forum and learn more about the rich history of Fox shotguns.
NO ITEMS MAY BE POSTED FOR SALE ON THIS FORUM or direct references to items for sale. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: A personal item that’s obviously for sale or would appear to be for sale; or if a link is posted to some other site where the item is for sale. Please note that references to items posted elsewhere are ok for discussion as long as a direct link is not included. Any "Wanted to Buy" posts are not allowed and will be removed. The moderators will delete any posts that are deemed offensive, abusive or slanderous in nature. Commercial operations or businesses may not advertise nor appear to advertise their products or services, either directly, or indirectly by a second party, except for simple reference as a source for such products or services
Thanks to some recon done by Silvers we have our fist glimpse of The Crazy Quail set-up that will be utilized for the CHALLENGE. As you will see, the shooting will resemble that of a 5-Stand layout with targets thrown from a revolving set of 4 traps, thus providing an endless array of presentations. Fox and Parker officials are working out the proper target release interval with Ernie's crew today. I'm guessing that will be 4 seconds.
Each team will fire at 125 targets. Highest cumulative team score takes home the prestigious FPC Cup. Hopefully Sunday's headlines will read: THREE-PEAT for TEAM FOX!! 22 hours and counting. Lock n' Load Boys!!!
Just a quick note that our Fox team won the Fox - Parker Challenge at the Northeast SxS today by a margin of 10 targets. Your team members were Mountain Mike shooting a 30-inch CE, Scott shooting the Trap Grade/Skeet variation about which he recently posted, SmithShady (Mike) with a 26-inch SW Skeet & Upland, Jim Kline with a 32-inch SW, and Silvers (Frank) with a 26-inch SPE. All in 12-gauge.
"The Finest Gun in the World"
I had to leave the event early to get to a graduation party for my Goddaughter so I don't know the results of the Bo-Whoop and W C Letterman Cup shooting which was still going on. One of the guys will post that info when they get home and have a chance.