UPDATE on Fox vs. Parker Challenge

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UPDATE on Fox vs. Parker Challenge

Post by TOOL MAN »

Thanks to some recon done by Silvers we have our fist glimpse of The Crazy Quail set-up that will be utilized for the CHALLENGE. As you will see, the shooting will resemble that of a 5-Stand layout with targets thrown from a revolving set of 4 traps, thus providing an endless array of presentations. Fox and Parker officials are working out the proper target release interval with Ernie's crew today. I'm guessing that will be 4 seconds.

Each team will fire at 125 targets. Highest cumulative team score takes home the prestigious FPC Cup. Hopefully Sunday's headlines will read: THREE-PEAT for TEAM FOX!! 22 hours and counting. Lock n' Load Boys!!!


On the whole....I'd rather be in Philadelphia....
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Re: UPDATE on Fox vs. Parker Challenge

Post by Mike of the Mountain »

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Re: UPDATE on Fox vs. Parker Challenge

Post by Silvers »

Just a quick note that our Fox team won the Fox - Parker Challenge at the Northeast SxS today by a margin of 10 targets. Your team members were Mountain Mike shooting a 30-inch CE, Scott shooting the Trap Grade/Skeet variation about which he recently posted, SmithShady (Mike) with a 26-inch SW Skeet & Upland, Jim Kline with a 32-inch SW, and Silvers (Frank) with a 26-inch SPE. All in 12-gauge.

"The Finest Gun in the World"

I had to leave the event early to get to a graduation party for my Goddaughter so I don't know the results of the Bo-Whoop and W C Letterman Cup shooting which was still going on. One of the guys will post that info when they get home and have a chance.

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Re: UPDATE on Fox vs. Parker Challenge

Post by CJB964 »

Thanks for the update Frank!

And a huge congratulations to the finest shooters in the northeast.
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Re: UPDATE on Fox vs. Parker Challenge

Post by Fin2Feather »

Nicely done, Gents, nicely done!
Utica Fox Appreciation Society - Charter Member
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