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Flat side sterlingworth

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:50 am
by mhead
Can anyone tell me anything on the flat side sterlingworths. Were any made in 16 &20 guage. I have some in 12s. Does anybody know about how many were made.Thanks for any information

Re: Flat side sterlingworth

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:11 am
by Researcher
I've recorded 12- and 16-gauges, but have yet to see a 20-gauge. The five 16-gauges I've recorded are from 376996 to 377119. In 12-gauges I've recorded a bunch in the 1327xx to 1329xx range, and some near the end in the 1613xx range. While I've never bought one, years ago I ordered letters on a couple of their serial numbers from Roe Clark and there was nothing on the cards to indicate the flat-sided frame, so I'd guess the number is unknowable. Same thing for the 12-gauge "drawbolt frame" Fox-Sterlingworths. I've recorded bunches of them in the 1330xx to 1335xx range (30"), 1435xx to 1438xx range (28 and 30") and right at the end in the 1615xx range (26").

Re: Flat side sterlingworth

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:33 am
by mhead
Thanks Researcher do you think it might have been a new frame design that just didn't work out or could it have been some recievers that got messed up at sometime.They look odd.Thanks for the information .

Re: Flat side sterlingworth

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:36 pm
by Researcher
No. Savage just had more flat-sided SP-/SPE-style frame forgings than they could sell in those tough Great Depression years as SP-/SPE-Grades, and they used them up on Fox-Sterlingworths.