12ga Sterlingworth barrels #63602

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12ga Sterlingworth barrels #63602

Post by james-l »

This set of barrels sold on Ebay Sunday, if the winner is a member here and wants the forend for it, contact me. I won the its forend for on Ebay a couple of weeks ago. I also have some of the bits they need to complete it
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Re: 12ga Sterlingworth barrels #63602

Post by Researcher »

Wow!! $356.77 for a stripped 12-gauge Sterlingworth barrel!! Oft times I've recorded 12-gauge Sterlingworth barrels going for a third of that on ebay, and with the extractor, cocking slide, spring and screw. Actually, the only 12-gauge barrels I've recorded going for more was a set of 30-inch Krupp ejector barrels with the bits and pieces.
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Re: 12ga Sterlingworth barrels #63602

Post by vaturkey »

Researcher wrote:Wow!! $356.77 for a stripped 12-gauge Sterlingworth barrel!! Oft times I've recorded 12-gauge Sterlingworth barrels going for a third of that on ebay, and with the extractor, cocking slide, spring and screw. Actually, the only 12-gauge barrels I've recorded going for more was a set of 30-inch Krupp ejector barrels with the bits and pieces.
I bit on it for a while and then said OMG and let it go. I bought a grades set of A grade ejector barrels on Auction arms last year for less then $300 in better shape.
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