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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:42 am
by DGKaas
Simmons was a large St Louis hardware and sporting goods firm much like E. K Tryon in Phila. I have 2 Parkers that went to Simmons but no Foxes. The chain of commerce was long for many of these guns makers in the early 20th century and it is no wonder that they had trouble making money. Firms like Simmons and Tryon sold direct to the public as well as acting as local distributors to small rural gun dealers. Just Google "Simmons Hardware St. Louis" and you will find all the info you could ask for.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:31 pm
by Researcher
I've had at least two dozen Fox guns lettered over the years, and have seen quite a few more letters and I don't recall any going to Simmons, but many to E.K. Tryon. I seem to recall Simmons having a relationship with Winchester and with Hunter Arms Co., but I'm way north and west of my research materials.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:09 pm
by BillJanssen
Maybe I dreamed this but I remember reading somewhere that Simmons Hardware bought out one of the smaller makers (Tobin? Syracuse Arms?), then sold off their remaining inventory.
I remember my Dad speaking fondly of Simmons (& Shapleigh) Hardware, he lamented when the supply of their pocket knives dried up.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:13 pm
I have a CE 20 ga that was said to have been shipped to Winchester-Simmons.......I have to put my hands on the letter to give details. Marshfellow
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:00 am
by Researcher
Norvell-Shapleigh bought the entire inventory, some half a million dollars worth, of Remington Arms Co. 's break action guns in early 1910 when RAC saw the light and went with their pumps and autoloaders.
Simmons Hardware
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:51 pm
by terc
It seems that at it's peak, most hardware (guns included) that was headed west went through Simmons Hardware. I've owned two Colt single actions that lettered to Simmons and saw others that did. There is a recent article in one of the popular shooting magazines that said Simmons placed a single order for 90,000 Belgium guns to distribute through thier store.
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:19 pm
by R.R.
Yes, in 1905, Simmons contracted to buy up the remaining SAC guns. The factory continued to finish up the guns and the machinery was sold off, much to Ithaca.
Back to the original question, FL, I cannot vouch for any special relationships as I was not born yet... but I do have a lettered graded Fox shipped to Simmons Hardware in 1917. I would guess that most would have been Sterlingworths and fewer people would tend to have them lettered. Not sure how this helps.
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:14 am
by DGKaas
I just got a letter on a Parker 32" 16g hammergun I recently bought. It was ordered by and shipped to Simmons in 1901.