Inormation and approximate value help

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Inormation and approximate value help

Post by glshop20 »

I have a 12ga. SxS A.H. Fox shotgun in good condition. The blueing is thin, case colors are visible on water table, action lever, and trigger area. The sides of the receivers have a suggestion of color. The wood and checkering are in good condition except for a repair at the wrist of the stock. It appears that darker wood (dowels?) were used to reinforce it. It was well done and is not offensive to me. Barrels appear to be mod. and full.
Top of left barrel: MADE BY A.H. FOX GUN CO. PHILA PA USA
Both receiver sides: STERLINGWORTH
Water table right: serial # 125xxx
left: Pat'd AUG 15 - 04 and others
Under barrel near breech on flats: serial # and a four pointed star?
an oval with FOX PROOF inside of it ?
Trigger guard extension: serial #
Light engraving on several areas of the action, lever and receiver.
What is the chamber length?

Any information and approximate value for this gun would be appreciated. Thanks, Walt
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Re: Inormation and approximate value help

Post by fullchoke16 »

Chambers are probably 2 5/8". Value with the repaired stock about $500 to $600. More if it has 32" barrels.
Recoil is most noticed when I miss
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