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Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:40 pm
by waterman
It's raining here today, so no outside pictures, had to bring em' inside and improvise. The top gun is an LC Smith 2E with 30" barrels, made it 1905. The lower gun is an AH Fox C grade with 30" barrels, made in 1910. Both are configured with straight grip stocks, my favorite. So who's got the best wood, the Smith or the Fox?






Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:17 pm
by fox-admin
I guess I have never seen a grade 2 LCS with wood like your example, many Fox CE's have wood equal to your example. I would say that Fox wood normally beats LCS almost every time during the pre-1913 period

Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:36 pm
by Laxcoach
Begrudgingly I have to agree with fox-adm. I'm an Elsie guy and own 2 Gr 2's, neither of which have furniture that nice. At the risk of being flamed I'm guessing a restock on the Gr 2 pictured.

Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:26 pm
by Silvers
Donnie, that's a nice stick of wood on that Fox! The Elsie looks pretty nice too. This 2E 16 gauge doesn't even come close, shipped March 1909. Silvers


Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:38 pm
by waterman
i know it is pirtty no restock no screws turned. It spent it life in Boston. The gun is on the LC smith form under nice wood under 1905 2E. I have higer grade LC Smith that don't have that good of wood. I will bet me right arm on it the gun is not a restock. Donnie

Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:19 pm
by vaturkey
I vote the Fox by a nose. I actually like both a lot, but the Fox has a bit more smoke and I like dark vice light colored wood.

Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:52 pm
by studdog
MY vote is for the Smith.

Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:50 pm
by Stan Hillis
My vote is for the Fox. Both have beautiful wood, but I, too, like darker wood better on a classic S x S. The lighter, more honey colored wood is more at place on an O/U, IMO.


Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:54 pm
by Brian
Fox, by one length.

Re: Pictures of LC Smith and AH Fox

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:09 pm
by glshop20
If you decide to give either away let me know and I will start to drive over and pick it up immediately. Very beautiful guns. The vintage guns are so much better then those being made today. Craftsmanship, character and history.