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Post by kl1450 »

http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewIt ... =143359726

Hello All,
I'm curious of the more experienced fox colectors opinions of the "WaterFowler" ae grade 12g listed on GB.
Appears unmolested and heavily built w/30" #1 weight barrels. Stocks a bit marked but it is 80+ years old.
Thanks in advance for any input.
George Lander
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by George Lander »

KL: It looks like a fairly nice A Grade Fox. The #1 weight barrels are not that unusual. I see that the seller offers a 30 money back gaurantee & so all you risk is the shipping if you have to send it back. Looks like it has some oil seepage in the stock head. I would have that checked out since you intend it for heavy waterfowl shooting. While you're at it have your gunsmith check the rest of the gun over. His offer is for 2.5K but I see the opening is 2.2K & you might get it for less. He does not say whether the gun has ejectors or not and you may or may not want them. They do increase the value somewhat however. If you have the chambers lengthened you pretty much destroy the collector value and regardless of what he says I would not advise lengthing them to 3 inches. The gun was never intended for magnum loads. All in all it appears to be a very sound old Fox. All of this being just my humble opinion.

Best Regards, George
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by Researcher »

Other then a bit of varnish flaking off the stock, that is a darn nice A-Grade. You'll likely see a hundred worse before you will find a better one. I wouldn't change the chambers, forcing cones or chokes if it was mine. If it has survived 81 years unmolested, I'd leave it that way.
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by eightbore »

Nice gun, don't think it's an AE though. I would like to own that gun and wouldn't touch it except to shoot.
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by kl1450 »

Why do you question the AE? Engraving appears period correct. Is it the wood quality?
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by Laxcoach »

Not an AE, as Bill said---- the lifter isn't split.
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by eightbore »

It seems to be an A Grade without ejectors as Laxcoach mentions. The pictures and AHFCA provenance seem to back this up. Nice gun, almost worth the money. Anyone face to face with the seller should be able to strike a deal. If the #1 weight barrels take the total weight of the gun over 8-4, buying the gun would be a no brainer, right George? OOPS, I see that the seller mentions that the gun only weighs 7-10. I would still like to own it.
Last edited by eightbore on Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by kl1450 »

As I'm new to the Fox collecting fever I am not sure how the grades are defined for letter grades.
A,B,C etc are increasing quality wood?
E denotes Ejectors or Engraved?
To date I have a late sterlingworth 16g w/26" barrels.
Need more.......
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by eightbore »

"E" denotes ejector, the E appearing after the grade designation in graded guns. A Sterlingworth ejector gun is just that, a "Sterlingworth Ejector". Buy McIntosh' book for more basic information and pictures if you don't get enough on this site.
George Lander
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Re: WaterFowler

Post by George Lander »

Bill: You're right. The gun does appear to be an extractor and the seller does not represent it to be otherwise. It's still a nice Fox and almost worth the asking price. Some waterfowl hunters prefer extractors over ejectors. One less thing to go wrong out there in the blind.

Best Regards, George
"Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee"......John Donne
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