Sterlingworth Stock Needs Help!

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Sterlingworth Stock Needs Help!

Post by JasonR »

Disassembling my new 12 Gauge Sterlingworth Pin Gun, looks like the stock has seen better days. As you can see, a fix has been attempted in the past, however, that fix didn't hold, there's a split running front to back which runs the full depth of the wood, ending roughly where the round dowel from the previous fix is located. Additionally, it looks like there's a fair amount of missing wood that would typically tie both sides of the stock together. Is this fixable by adding in new wood, acraglass and threaded rod or should I start looking for a replacement stock? Looking for advice from the experts, thanks!
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Re: Sterlingworth Stock Needs Help!

Post by Researcher »

Only way to save that stock would be to hollow out the whole thing to back of the rear screw hole, epoxy in new wood and completely re-inlet the frame.
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