Unexpected hunt
Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 4:16 pm
I had no plans to hunt today. Big storm inbound with extreme cold to follow. Unexpectedly, my hunting buddy of over 35 years who lives in WV contacted me yesterday evening. His wife has had some health issues and as such we haven't linked up other then one time. Anyway, he wanted to meet up this morning at 9 am where I found the birds 2 days ago.
This morning I had both dogs vested up because they are so beat up in.the 4Runner at 7 am. I was putting my boots on when he texted me and canceled.
Since they were ready and the boots were then laced off we went.
Once I got them out, the birds were there. Lots of points by both dogs. A few birds were shot, more were missed. Tough shooting. Like shooting in a phone booth with vines grabbing your arms and barrel and hat and glasses. Kind of fun and frustrating at the same time.
Annie ended up pointing 8. Followed by Sophie with 7. They bumped a few and they had a few false points, but overall really nice dog work. Annie was exceptional at backing Sophie today. They make a nice team. A few pics.
PS. The snow will drive them out, but it was a great week.
This morning I had both dogs vested up because they are so beat up in.the 4Runner at 7 am. I was putting my boots on when he texted me and canceled.
Since they were ready and the boots were then laced off we went.
Once I got them out, the birds were there. Lots of points by both dogs. A few birds were shot, more were missed. Tough shooting. Like shooting in a phone booth with vines grabbing your arms and barrel and hat and glasses. Kind of fun and frustrating at the same time.
Annie ended up pointing 8. Followed by Sophie with 7. They bumped a few and they had a few false points, but overall really nice dog work. Annie was exceptional at backing Sophie today. They make a nice team. A few pics.
PS. The snow will drive them out, but it was a great week.