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Pa grouse hunt
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:29 pm
by grouse_fan

- IMG_20231028_124358_050_copy_576x576.jpg (196.99 KiB) Viewed 1287 times
It was a good morning for finding grouse in Potter County. We moved 12 birds in 2 different cuts in just under 4 hours. Lilah is really starting to figure these birds out. She bumped 2 different pairs of birds, but had 5 solid points on 3 single birds and 2 different pairs. Unfortunately my shooting slump continues, I was 0-4 today. It would be nice to finally put one in the bag for her. I think she is ready to trade me in for a better shooter.
Re: Pa grouse hunt
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:19 pm
by Foxnut
We have all endured the disgruntled look from our four legged hunting companions when it comes to our shooting!!! Sounds like Lilah is coming on nicely and you had a great day moving birds!!! Good for you!
Re: Pa grouse hunt
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:28 pm
by Jeff S
Very nice picture and I’m sure it was a great day in the woods. No doubt you’ll connect next time.
Re: Pa grouse hunt
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:51 am
by vaturkey
I just got back from my annual trip to Michigan. IMO the areas I hunted had less birds then what I've seen in previous years. Shame, because I was hoping to get little Annie on a pile of Woodcock and a few Grouse. For the first time ever my group didn't kill a Grouse and only took 10 Woodcock overall. The corelation between your story and mine was young Annie after running through a few Woodcock finally stuck one about 100 yards away. I busted thru the cover which was ungodly thick and was within 20 yards of her when the Woodcock got up between the two of us. Two hurried shots and the Woodcock continued on its merry way. I was much more disappointed for her then me as I've killed a bunch of Woodcock in my life. However I really wanted her face to light up if I had dropped that bird over her first solid point.
Re: Pa grouse hunt
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:31 pm
by grouse_fan
I know how you feel. I have killed plenty of birds over the years, so that in its self isn't important, but you want to kill a few for a young dig.
Re: Pa grouse hunt
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:55 pm
by badassgriffs
Congrats on a great hunt! Glad to hear that you moved that many birds.