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Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:16 pm
by Silvers
Wanted to share some pics of a new to me Ithaca Knick 4E SBT gun, 34 incher made in 1930. I had her out recently to check POI in prep for the W C Letterman Cup at the Northeast SxS in June, and the inaugural "Diesel Smoke" single shot sporting clays event at Rock Mountain in July. My shooting gang obliged, each target on call, and I shot up all of the paper shells I had loaded. Love those papers! Something different on a sporting course and great fun! :)

PS: that’s a period Jostam one-ply foam pad on the Ithaca.


Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:53 am
by 44whiskey
very nice.ithaca has unique style.proud for you

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:37 am
by Researcher
A Knick and papers. Hard to get much better than that.

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:14 pm
by Fin2Feather

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 12:58 pm
by Jeff S
Wow! 34”, straight grip and beautiful wood. Toolman might as well hand you the Lettrman trophy right now.

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:23 pm
by mc15426378
I've got two Fox Js (straight grip & round knob) but have never shot an Ithaca. How would you compare a Fox J with an Ithaca 4E in terms of quality, handling, pattern, etc?

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:27 pm
by Silvers
My opinion: both are quality guns made for extensive shooting with heavy loads at the traps. Assuming a Fox and an Ithaca are comparable regarding stocking, weight, balance and choking the comparison would likely boil down to subjective factors like aesthetics and owner loyalty in one maker or the other.

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:42 am
by mc15426378
Thanks Frank. I've been told by a very well known smith that the Knicks are the best of the Ithacas.

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:35 am
by 49packard
It's a beauty Frank,

I hope you get a lot of wonderful shooting with it! It looks Fantastic!


Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:08 pm
by Silvers
I got the info from Cody today. Actually shipped in April 1931 to a California trap shooter of some note. I did a quick internet search and came up with many name hits and it seems he got this SBT gun late in his career. Right now I'm thinking I'll save his name and details for an article. Interesting, she was shipped from Ithaca NY to San Francisco by Parcel Post for $2.18.

Also of interest, I did a Cody request for an Ithaca NID VR Double Trap gun and got that too. Serial number would seem to indicate a 1927/28 year gun but she was shipped in November 1936. Tough days and tight money during those days of the Great Depression.


Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:39 pm
by Researcher
I saved a picture of an October 17, 1942, Ithaca invoice, that Walter posted some years ago, for four fully loaded No. 4E double traps and two similar No. 5Es to Lou J. Eppinger, Inc. One gun had a serial number in the 448xxx range, four had serial numbers in the 454xxx range and one in the 457xxx range. By the serial number chronology in Walter's book those would be 1927 to 1930 guns.

Similarly Walter posted a couple pages of 1935 Lefever Arms Co., Inc. invoices for 250 and 430 12-gauge, 30-inch, Nitro Specials to Edw. K. Tryon. All the serial numbers in the 1927-29 range. Apparently the boys at Fall Creek had a lot of inventory to move.
Sept. 1, 1935 --EXTRA PROFIT--.jpeg

Re: Ithaca 4E Knick SBT 34"

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 12:35 pm
by Foxnut
Fantastic looking Knick SBT gun Frank. I’m partials to the 4E/5E’s as well. The 34” barrel is icing on the cake!!