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Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:03 pm
by Jeff S
Mr. "Foxinthehenhouse", that looks like a very nice gun case. When I duck hunt, I trudge through 1/2 mile of cattails, so like many of you I carry my Fox in a case. Since reverting to vintage side by sides, I've become a little more selective with gun cases. Plenty of padding for protection is nice, but I really like it when the zipper extends all the way to the tip and then actually continues across the narrow end of the cases. When the zipper is fully opened, the case will lie down flat. It just seems to be friendly to the bluing on the end of barrels. I haven't found many with this design, but I like them. As for slings, I love them, but I don't have the heart to put them on the old Foxes.
Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:59 pm
by Stan Hillis
I have a floating gun case that I use when I am in a boat and going to a blind. I do it to protect the gun from what an aluminum duck boat can do to it in short order. There are kinds of duck hunting I do where I don't use a sling or a case, like floating a river or creek in my duck kayak. From the moment I sit my butt down in the bottom of that thing I need my double ready to shoot. Neither a sling nor a case would be beneficial to me.
For days like this I use a case:
For days like this I use a sling:
For days in this I use nothing:
I think the key is knowing what is needed in each circumstance and utilizing that to the best of it's potential.
Speaking of potential ......
Pray for me ...... it's a loooong time 'til teal season.
Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:41 pm
by Jeff S
Beautiful pictures Stan. When I wanted a sling on my Browning BSS, I had Bachelder mount the swivels, then I visited the local tack shop. Leftover leather from horse "reins" makes the ideal sling. Perfect!
Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:33 am
by Stan Hillis
Thanks, Jeff. I use that Leatherman sling on my BSS regularly during duck season. Matter of fact, that's The BSS in the second pic.
Best, SRH
Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:18 am
by Jim Cloninger
Great pictures and great shootng, Stan. I use a case with a sturdy sling to get to and from the blind. Jump shooting, no sling.
Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:30 am
by gunut
well you guys have talked me into it.....just ordered one the leatherman slings....although I already have 2 doubles with slings...1954 Stoeger/Sarasqueta 16ga 4e....and a 12ga Hunter Arms Gladiator Tournament that someone added sling swivels to a long time ago.....
Now it will be easier for me to abuse my Fox shotguns.....
Re: Gun Slings
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:52 am
by Tamid
I have a Manufrance Ideal with a retracting sling inside the butt stock. I think for a sling it is a great invention. I wonder if the same mechanism could be fitted to any gun by reaming out the butt and attaching a loop to the bottom rib.